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Author Topic: Ju 88G-6 Nightfighter - v1.4 - final release  (Read 125965 times)

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Re: Ju 88G-6 Nightfighter - now updated to v1.2
« Reply #120 on: March 12, 2012, 08:35:47 PM »

Awesome! Thanks!


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Re: Ju 88G-6 Nightfighter - now updated to v1.2
« Reply #121 on: March 12, 2012, 08:54:46 PM »

Please post which other corrections/additions/bugfixes you would like to see in 1.3 and I will try to include them if feasable.

Hi Sputnik - I haven't had time to check recently, but last time I looked at the DBW Ju 88 the small, circular, glazed apertures in the engine nacelles had reverted back to the simplified, rectangular form of the original game - when viewed from the cockpit. (I'm referring to the cluster of three engine-mounted gauges used on all Jumo powered Ju 88s which enabled the pilot to see, with a glance to each side, pitch setting, coolant pressure and temperature).
I remember back in the halcyon days of AAA ;), that Maraz(?) corrected them on his Ju 88 A4/Torp mod, so that when viewed from the cockpit the instruments could be seen nestled beneath circular apertures (which were a bit larger than scale reality for practicality's sake). Sadly, at some point between then and now, they were converted back to stock (presumably by TD or Ultrapack).

Any chance your nightfighter could incorporate this? The real gauges were illuminated at night by glowing dial surrounds, which are described in more detail on the 'cockpitinstrumente' site below (in German).

Incidentally, on the subject of cockpit lighting, Ju 88s, He 219s and Mosquitos all used ultra-violet cockpit lighting for those occasions when only a glance at a map would do. Don't know how useful that would be in-game, but it would make for a neat effect (and an eerie atmosphere ;)).   
Here is the dial cluster mounted on the cockpit side of the port engine (the starboard engine needs the same treatment)

Il2 shows the square mounting panel, which should really be concealed beneath the cowling:

the actual circular window, is seen in this view:

The original instruments can be seen here (click on 'bomber' > 'motorgondel Ju88'):


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Re: Ju 88G-6 Nightfighter - now updated to v1.2
« Reply #122 on: March 12, 2012, 10:13:53 PM »

Are you sure we are looking at Jumo 213's in both images?

I am not sure the 213's in the G-6 model did have Motorgondel Instrumentierung. I have looked at many many pictures of this airplane, and I cannot remember a single one showing these instruments. Most of the time image quality and size are not particularly hi-res, however, the window in the engine cowlings can definitely be seen on photos (of comparable quality) of older Ju 88 models. As you may have noticed, I have kicked out the engine mounted instruments altogether in the G-6 cockpit.

Now, there will be a cockpit update in version 2.0, but this will only be at some time in the future, because I need a break from this mod  ;).
Should these instruments have been present in the G-6 as well, they will be included in v2.0.

P.S.: Apart from photos, I think it is reasonable to assume that the Motorgondel Instrumente where not fitted in G-6c models. First, they where complicated to manufacture. Not something you'd like to keep in late 1944. Second, the reason for them to be fitted in the first place was that a) no instrument wiring needed to be run from the engines into the cockpit, and b) space on the cockpit panel could be saved.
Now, with the BMW powered G-1, G-6a and G-6b models you would have wiring in place already. And since the nightfighter models did not need to provide space for crewmembers to crawl around under the panel, there was plenty of space to fit these instruments.


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Re: Ju 88G-6 Nightfighter - now updated to v1.2
« Reply #123 on: March 12, 2012, 10:55:45 PM »

The reworking of the tails might mean I need to remake my skins, I changed the lines to match the tall tailed 88 and added a masking layer, which will cause a black setcion to appear ingame.

All good though if it means we get a more accurate model.
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Re: Ju 88G-6 Nightfighter - now updated to v1.2
« Reply #124 on: March 12, 2012, 11:43:29 PM »

Apart from the lower leading edge corner, vertices were moved a few centimeters only. I am trying to keep the UVWs as compatible with existing mapping as possible.


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Re: Ju 88G-6 Nightfighter - now updated to v1.2
« Reply #125 on: March 12, 2012, 11:54:48 PM »

The reworking of the tails might mean I need to remake my skins, I changed the lines to match the tall tailed 88 and added a masking layer, which will cause a black setcion to appear ingame.

All good though if it means we get a more accurate model.
That might help on some skins Phas3e.  ;D    ;)


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Re: Ju 88G-6 Nightfighter - now updated to v1.2
« Reply #126 on: March 13, 2012, 12:37:07 AM »

Cheers guys, ta gumpy I actually have that one ready to release :D
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Re: Ju 88G-6 Nightfighter - now updated to v1.2
« Reply #127 on: March 13, 2012, 12:48:38 AM »

So now it would almost be worth it to wait for the update just in case any modifications have to be done.   


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Re: Ju 88G-6 Nightfighter - now updated to v1.2
« Reply #128 on: March 13, 2012, 12:55:10 AM »

Tail needs changes in the skins I'm afraid. Sorry  :(

Here's a screenie of the new UVW:


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Re: Ju 88G-6 Nightfighter - now updated to v1.2
« Reply #129 on: March 13, 2012, 01:33:32 AM »

thats fine :)
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups - George Carlin


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Re: Ju 88G-6 Nightfighter - now updated to v1.2
« Reply #130 on: March 13, 2012, 08:11:40 AM »

This is a beautiful aircraft Sputnik.
And this is nitpicking in the extreme I know , so ignore if you want to. It may be a decision based on poly count total for all I know!
I found this photo which shows that the outboard air intake opening is not flush to the engine casing but rather extended out from it (about 20cm?) and turned , or rounded like a horn so that the opening is then parallel to the engine casing. Also , the actual orifice of the air scoop is rounded on the ends , rather than rectangular.


The current air intake opening is flush to the casing of the engine. As I said and extreme nit.

Keep up the fantastic work.



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Re: Ju 88G-6 Nightfighter - now updated to v1.2
« Reply #131 on: March 13, 2012, 09:13:58 AM »

Hi Sputnik - thanks for the reply. Since reading your post I've checked it out in the best reference I have for Ju 88s (Waldemar Trojca's Ju 88 vols 1 and 2, which is something of a 'bible' for 88's) and I think you are correct in asserting that Jumo 213s didn't have motorgondel instruments. I'm happy to withdraw the request and grateful for the correction: serves me right for making lazy assumptions without checking references first.
40 years reading about this stuff, and I'm still learning... :)
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