Please post which other corrections/additions/bugfixes you would like to see in 1.3 and I will try to include them if feasable.
Hi Sputnik - I haven't had time to check recently, but last time I looked at the DBW Ju 88 the small, circular, glazed apertures in the engine nacelles had reverted back to the simplified, rectangular form of the original game - when viewed from the cockpit. (I'm referring to the cluster of three engine-mounted gauges used on all Jumo powered Ju 88s which enabled the pilot to see, with a glance to each side, pitch setting, coolant pressure and temperature).
I remember back in the halcyon days of AAA

, that Maraz(?) corrected them on his Ju 88 A4/Torp mod, so that when viewed from the cockpit the instruments could be seen nestled beneath circular apertures (which were a bit larger than scale reality for practicality's sake). Sadly, at some point between then and now, they were converted back to stock (presumably by TD or Ultrapack).
Any chance your nightfighter could incorporate this? The real gauges were illuminated at night by glowing dial surrounds, which are described in more detail on the 'cockpitinstrumente' site below (in German).
Incidentally, on the subject of cockpit lighting, Ju 88s, He 219s and Mosquitos all used ultra-violet cockpit lighting for those occasions when only a glance at a map would do. Don't know how useful that would be in-game, but it would make for a neat effect (and an eerie atmosphere

Here is the dial cluster mounted on the cockpit side of the port engine (the starboard engine needs the same treatment)

Il2 shows the square mounting panel, which should really be concealed beneath the cowling:

the actual circular window, is seen in this view:

The original instruments can be seen here (click on 'bomber' > 'motorgondel Ju88'):