Ju 88G-6Version 1.4------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Updated to version 1.4 (16/03/12), final releaseFor changelog see end of post please.
Note: All screenshots from version 1.0 = outdated. See thread for newer

FEATURES- External model (showing a G-6c fitted with FuG 220d SN-2 and FuG 350 Naxos Z)
- Nightfighter variant cockpit
- G-6 (Jumo 213A-1) flightmodel
- Schräge Musik upward firing armament
In detail:External modelBased on stock Ju 88A-17. Remodelled nose (FuG 220d), reshaped vertical stabilizer and additional aerials.
New engine exhausts added, as well as Jumo 213 style air intakes. Flaps taken from stock A-4. Ventral gun pod
and Schräge Musik added to fuselage. Canopy taken from C-6 with Naxos teardrop antenna added.
Compatible with A-17 skins, which can be adapted with minor changes.
CockpitBased on C-6 cockpit. Remodelled to represent nightfighter.
Rearranged instrument panel, new seat for the R/O, radar equipment installed, defensive armament reduced to 1 machine gun.
Textures from bolox repaint with small changes. All navigation instruments made working.
Pilot viewpoints optimized for instrument flight/nightfighting and approach/landing/ground handling.
ClassesBased on A-17. AI behaviour: Fighter, fighterbomber and scout.
FlightmodelNew FM based on stock A-17. Fitted with Jumo 213A-1. Aerodynamics tweaked to reflect G-6 performance.
CREDITSExternal model, classfiles and FM developed from
stock Ju 88A4 and A17
Cockpit meshes based on Ju88C-6 cockpit by
marazCockpit textures adapted from
bolox repaint
Classfile edits, 3d changes and additions, cockpit remodelling, texture corrections and FM by
sputnikshock Special thanks to
Birdman for fixing LOD problems, and to
OberstDanjeje for correcting exhaust hooks locations.
INSTALLATION Unzip and place in your mods, #SAS or #DBW folder, depending on your install.
Add these lines to your air.ini:
Ju-88G-6 air.JU_88G6 2 g01 SUMMER
It is recommended to also add these lines to your weapons_ru.properties:
# Ju-88G-6
Ju-88G-6.default 4xMG151 + 2xMG151 SM
Ju-88G-6.Tracers as above, w/Tracer ammo
Ju-88G-6.none Empty
And finally these lines go to your plane_ru.properties:
Ju-88G-6 Ju 88 G-6, 1944
HOW TO SWAP RADAR AERIALS: In your ..\Ju-88G-6\3do\Plane\Ju-88G-6\ folder, delete hier.him, make a copy of ier_Morgenstern.him
and rename it to hier.him. In order to revert standard FuG 220d aerials, repeat above process with hier_FuG220.him. Note that SN-2
Morgenstern antennas were very rare.
DOWNLOADVersion 1.4:
https://www.mediafire.com/?rzs7oac67nv73v2Patch from v1.3 to v1.4:
https://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ozprxce388bb9jbREQUIRES DiffFM OR DBW.
Tested with DBW 1.6 and SAS Modact 3.06. Reported to be working with DBW 1.71. Not compatible with 4.09.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A NOTE ON RADAR: The radar in the cockpit is only eye candy. This plane is intended for use with the
Airborne Inercept Radar Pack for Command&Control Mod v2 -
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,26404.0.htmlAppropriate AIRPCC/C&C object setup to simulate historical capabilities of this plane:
SN-2b (set neutral/army white)
Naxos (late option enabled)
RO (alternatively GNR)
NAV (optional, and IMHO not needed given the extraordinary nav insturments in this bird) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Happy nightflying
One thing needs to be clarified before we get entangled in discussions. There is a common misconception about Luftwaffe nightfighter variants (and especially the Ju 88G models). Namely that model designations were in any way linked to radar equipment. THIS IS NOT THE CASE! Infact, model designations stem from engines fitted and factory/tooling.
You will often read things like G-6a/b/c (or even G-7a/b/c) being versions of the Ju 88 that could be distinguished by or are tied to certain radars. NOT AT ALL TRUE!
This misconception was born in Britian shortly after the war and has been around and popular ever since - so popular that by now it has also become widespread in Germany.
Now, infact there were three groups of G-6's. G-6a and G-6b both had BMW 801 engines but came from different factories. G-6c had Jumo 213A engines.
The G-7 however is a ghost plane. It can easily be identified as it had the Ju 188 pointed wing, and Jumo 213E engines. Only a very small number (10 or so) were built, and probably did not see service. Practically speaking it was nonexistent.
Therefore, 99% of what you will find on the web concerning Ju 88G-6a/b/c and G-7(a/b/c) is CRAP!
Sorry, I had to add this.
-Schräge Musik reticle misalignment fixed
-External LOD0 missing cockpit seats added
-Horizontal stabilizer remodelled
-Vertical stabilizer geometry corrected
-Engine flame and exhaust hooks moved to the rear end of the the flamekillers.
-LODs have been fixed
-Revised engine intakes
-Ventral engine casings removed
-Cockpit nightlighting fixed
-Compass corrected
-Beacon needle corrected
-Gunsight misalignment corrected
-Optional Morgenstern antenna
-Antenna mast removed, wire antenna adjusted
-FM engine changed to Jumo 213 A-1 + MW50
-New cockpit canopy (external model)
-Streamlined vertical stabilizer profile
-D/F loop antenna added
-Tailwarning antenna angle fixed
-Revised shadow model
-Gun barrel protrusion in weapons pod corrected
-New loadout option incl. tracer ammo*************************************
Edited by SAS~EpervierFor
4.09 users !
version 1.4 !
https://www.mediafire.com/?ypgg5hvi8zqs81pIf you have : INTERNAL ERROR: Effect param file "effects/smokes/Gun.eff" NOT loaded
Test :