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Author Topic: D4Y# "JUDY" UPDATE V1.41 (2015/12/13)  (Read 94016 times)

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Re: D4Y# "JUDY" UPDATE V1.41 (2015/12/13)
« Reply #120 on: October 30, 2016, 05:03:06 AM »

Dear friends, D4Y Judy was already operational for testing and evaluation in the Japanese Navy in 1942 when the attack on Midway, where at least one of them was used as reconnaissance aircraft embarked on one of the four aircraft carrier Admiral Nagumo. We just D4Y2 of 1943/44 and not the initial D4Y1


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Re: D4Y# "JUDY" UPDATE V1.41 (2015/12/13)
« Reply #121 on: February 13, 2017, 03:30:21 AM »

thanks for these beautiful, it works 4.13.2 sas modatc 6.2


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Re: D4Y# "JUDY" UPDATE V1.41 (2015/12/13)
« Reply #122 on: July 31, 2017, 01:07:27 PM »

Great skin, Fly, many thanks for sharing! 8)


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Re: D4Y# "JUDY" UPDATE V1.41 (2015/12/13)
« Reply #123 on: August 01, 2017, 01:06:20 PM »

Thanks cgagan


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Re: D4Y# "JUDY" UPDATE V1.41 (2015/12/13)
« Reply #124 on: January 25, 2019, 09:31:48 AM »

Dear ten010, flying D4Y gives a lot of fun, Please, is there any chance to equip them in Type 3 No.1 Mk.28 Model 1 (Rocket) Bombs?

Best regards,


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Re: D4Y# "JUDY" UPDATE V1.41 (2015/12/13)
« Reply #125 on: July 04, 2019, 01:23:18 AM »

Scratching my head while wracking my brain after giving up for a long time, I'm back at trying to load the D4Y's. Every plane of Ten's that I've downloaded has functioned except these four. And I've reinstalled version 4.12 twice in two different locations, and it all worked except the D4Y's! I'm still trying.


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Re: D4Y# "JUDY" UPDATE V1.41 (2015/12/13)
« Reply #126 on: July 13, 2019, 02:58:09 PM »

Scratching my head while wracking my brain after giving up for a long time, I'm back at trying to load the D4Y's. Every plane of Ten's that I've downloaded has functioned except these four. And I've reinstalled version 4.12 twice in two different locations, and it all worked except the D4Y's! I'm still trying.
A Log file is missing.  I assume U are into SAS 5.3.
Ver. 1.41 (2015/12/13)
     The hierarchy of the textures folder is changed.
Ver. 1.4 (2014/05/11)
     New FM
     Cockpit view
     Engine flame and smoke             <---------------------------------  perhaps an issue ?
     New Mod Wheels inclusion:PA_Jeronimo
A wild guess would be to try an Engine mod with Flame and smoke effect: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,52489.0.html

- Assuming the quote of "versions features" is not a descript of a fully included effect, but
  rather suggest that the F&S-mod should be a presence "in game" already (?) . Just may be, who knows.
- Another possibility is that the effect is fully included, but that you have an engine mod without it,
  hereby retro-nullifying the same feature within the mod ( i.e.: similar class files? ). Possible.
- Try the same solution in either cases: the engine mod with F&S effect.

Good luck!


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Re: D4Y# "JUDY" UPDATE V1.41 (2015/12/13)
« Reply #127 on: July 17, 2019, 03:01:38 PM »

Thanks, I'll try that. One question: I should download that file and put it in the DH4 file?


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Re: D4Y# "JUDY" UPDATE V1.41 (2015/12/13)
« Reply #128 on: July 19, 2019, 08:49:28 PM »


Engine mod + flames is a stand alone and universal mod ( comprising great many files, and many features ) which are needed by a lot of planes. In turn these other mods then avoid the necessity of providing these very same files over and over again, in incompatible variations of the same. It is a simplification process, not "a complex it up" process as U suggest.
The files are common to all mods and should remain that way: all that is needed is that engine mod precedes and loads before the plane mods that need it.
Reminder: do not install engine mod in an "over packaged" fashion.

Also when you eventually update the mod, you then upgrade the "common" features of all your planes in just one go!

This means, by the way, that most of all your planes should now have this flames and smoke feature ( ..see it on their engine startup.. ),
the lot of them should feature it all at once, and immediately !

( If they dont, then engine mod + flames is not properly installed, or you selected the wrong version.)

PS.: ...not quite so alone: in turn 'engine-mod' requires 'CommonUtilities' to work. (...a further small bunch of very basic-common files...).


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Re: D4Y# "JUDY" UPDATE V1.41 (2015/12/13)
« Reply #129 on: July 24, 2019, 01:42:59 AM »

I downloaded and tried Engine MOD 2.8.14w, then Japan Cat's Merge, which seems virtually identical, but the startup for both stops at 70%.


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Re: D4Y# "JUDY" UPDATE V1.41 (2015/12/13)
« Reply #130 on: July 30, 2019, 07:42:49 AM »

70% is due to such dynamic objects like ships and vehicles; also for aircrafts it has to do with stationaries; would suggest, while installing new aircrafts, never install stationaries; keep that for later when needed, or after all is working fine about that aircraft.

Also don't forget Common utilities requirement. Engine mod does not work without it, because it does not include these few separate files anymore.

Raw engine mod and engine mod plus Japan cat merge, do not contain the "flame" mod.

1- Engine MOD 2.8.14w and adding engine exhaust flame visual effect.    <-- install
2- JapanCat's Merge Effects and Engine MOD 2.8.14w and adding engine exhaust flame visual effect.  <-- avoid for now. Do later.

NOTICE: we are OFF TOPIC ! (... discussing engine mod install and variants  ).
So PLEASE get your act strait and return with a fully working game, before you try to install the D4Y;  and for it, do not install any stationary.

PS: I do not support Japan Cat versions; if you want to go that way, you will need somebody else's help.
PPS: do not add oil to the fire when resolving issues. Separate and simplify the issues.


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Re: D4Y# "JUDY" UPDATE V1.41 (2015/12/13)
« Reply #131 on: July 30, 2019, 08:40:32 AM »

Scratching my head while wracking my brain after giving up for a long time, I'm back at trying to load the D4Y's. Every plane of Ten's that I've downloaded has functioned except these four. And I've reinstalled version 4.12 twice in two different locations, and it all worked except the D4Y's! I'm still trying.

Thanks, I'll try that. One question: I should download that file and put it in the DH4 file?

I downloaded and tried Engine MOD 2.8.14w, then Japan Cat's Merge, which seems virtually identical, but the startup for both stops at 70%.
You have a crash?
What are you waiting for to provide a LOG?

Read how to get the log here, and the instant log here.

When you want to post only the relevant parts from the log
read here how to do this. (code option!)

If you want to post all lines of the logfile we suggest to use https://pastebin.com/
to paste your log and then paste the link here which you got from them.
Read and see here how to do this.
If your results do not live up to your expectations, tell yourself that the great oak was once an acorn too. - Lao Zi -
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