During November 1941 Reichsmarschall Herman Goring donated 15 ex Luftwaffe Dornier Do-17
aircraft to the Finnish Air Force.
The first three aircraft arrived from Poland on the 5.1.1942 with a total of fourteen aircraft delivered
by the end of january. One aircraft was sent to Germany for modification but later arrived in Finland
on the 12.2.1942.
DN-63 arrived in Finland on 13.1.1942 and was delivered to 1/LeLv 46 on the 17.3.1942.
DN-65 arrived on the 5.1.1942 and was allocated to 2/LeLv 46 on 8.4.1942.
These skins were made from a template I built using the original skins issued by Axis & Allied, all credits
from those original skins have been left in place. Line placement is from those skins but rivet layer is mine.
Two weathering layers were used from the Highlander_262 and CY6 Skyraider template, credits on the skins.
Insignia and LeLv 46 badge RAF_Loke.
It would appear members are having difficulty with my 4Shared so here is a link to the updated skins at M4T:
http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1130The inspiration for the skins came from the book 'Finnish Air Force Camouflage And Markings' by Kalevi
Keskinen, Kari Stenman and Klaus Niska.
DN-63 is illustrated in the publication as it appeared during march 1942 with a White Winter pattern added
on top of the Luftwaffe scheme to produce what amounts to a three tone upper camouflage pattern.

This same scheme was also applied to DN-65 and both aircraft were later photographed together on 29th April
1942 awaiting the removal of the scheme at Luonetetjarvi.

Due to stretching problems on the fuselage the pattern isn't exactly as it should be, rivets have
also been left off certain areas due to stretching problems on fuselage and engines.
Included are insignia only and blank skins.
I'm not certain if the Luftwaffe splinter scheme was retained for some time after the Winter coat was removed or they
were re-painted in the later Finnish scheme at that time, but I've also included skins without the Winter White.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete.