I have built a campaign for
the Daytime version of the Ju-88C (by Maraz and SAS~CirX). It is called
"Bloody Biscay":

This is a semi-historical, 16-mission static campaign, set in the second half of 1942, portraying the fighting over the Bay of Biscay during that period. You will be flying first the Arado 196 Float plane, and then the Junkers 88 C6 heavy long-range fighter. Most missions are based on history, although dates and exact composition of the participating forces vary somewhat. (Like in reality you will hunt down the civilian transport with the famous actor Leslie Howard, ambush P-38’s en route to Tunisia, intercept USAAF B-17 returning from a big raid on S:t Nazaire, fight it out time and time again with Beaufighters, Wellingtons and Sunderlands etc.) It uses the Bay of Biscay map by Agracier.
You can
DOWNLOAD it here: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1117
REQUIREMENTS: If you have DBW 1.7 you have everything you need, except
Ranwers Wellington Mk III, which you can download here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,2737.0.htmlNote that there is a
random element to all patrol missions. Not all patrols will result in contact – as in real life – and exactly what you will meet will vary. So even if you replay the campaign the missions will not be exactly the same.

The standard fighter-bomber version of the Ju 88 was the Ju 88 C-6, applying experience acquired with the A-4 bomber, equipped with the same Jumo 211J engines. The C-6 was used mostly as fighter-bomber and therefore assigned to bomber units. As a reaction to the increasing number of attacks on German shipping, especially on U-boats in the Bay of Biscay, from July 1942 started flying anti-shipping patrols and escort missions from bases in France, the V/.Kampfgeschwader 40 being formed to operate the C-6. The aircraft of V./KG 40 were a significant threat to the antisubmarine aircraft and operated as escort fighters for the more vulnerable Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor bombers. Between July 1942 and July 1944, the Ju 88s of KG 40 were credited with 109 confirmed air-to-air victories, at a cost of 117 losses. They were finally deployed against the Allied Invasion of Normandy in June 1944, incurring heavy losses for little effect before being disbanded on 5 August 1944.

Included in this campaign is
12 skins: by Phas3e, Max the Hitman, SierraXray, Rdans 59, Canon och Dkoor. (I haven’t found out who made some of the skins: if someone do, please let me know ASAP, and I will of course give due credit.) Special thanks to
Phas3e and
Max the Hitman who both made special skins for this campaign!
Here are some more screenies:

Thanks for looking!