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Author Topic: Wuerzburg-Riese + Freya (C&C style GCI radars) - v1.0 beta released  (Read 16686 times)

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Wuerzburg-Riese + Freya (C&C style GCI radars)
v1.0 beta

I am cleaning out the mod closet. Still need to fix a few bugs, but this should be available for download in a few days.
In the meantime you can already familiarize yourself with what will be coming in this feature preview.

The mod contains three different C&C style GCI (ground controlled intercept) objects. Wuerzburg-Riese, Freya and Wuerzburg-Freya.


Command&Control GCI's are great for simulating generic ground radars, but they are performing just too good for the hardcore nightfighter, and have certain limitations for mission builders - if one wanted to realistically recreate Himmelbett Nachtjagd for example.


This pack contains four objects. Wuerzburg-Riese and Freya radars. Plus a unit called Wuerzburg-Freya, which is a combination of both into one radar site, as was common practice in WW2. (A typical FuMG Stellung 1. Ordnung [class 1 radar site] consisted of 2 Würzburg-Riese and 1 or more Freyas). Using such a 2-in-1 object has the benefit that it is less demanding to handle for the game engine, as well as that ground controllers will feed the player the best available information that can be obtained from both radars - instead of being bombarded with messages from two radars located at the same spot on the map. Würzburg-Riese contacts will be reported with Bearing - Range - Altitude - Track estimate, whereas Freya contacts will be reported with Bearing - Range only. When using the combined unit and a target is in range of both its radars data from Würzburg-Riese will always have precedence.

Wuerzburg-Riese and Freya radars are modelled with close approximations of their historic search profiles. Detection range is dependent on aircraft altitude. In order to reduce HUD message clogging, ground controllers will broadcast on initial contact, and after the first message has been sent will only report again when - since the last report - either bearing has changed by more than 5 degrees, range changed by 2000-3000m or target altitude changed by more than 500m. This means, that for example if you are chasing a target on identical heading and speed, and the target is maintaining altitude, you would only receive a single HUD message. The radar controller will inform the player if a target or the player aircraft leaves the detection range of his station.
Minimum detection height is 150m above ground level, and aircraft cannot be detected when flying below the radar station's elevation (i.e. radar on mountaintop, plane in valley. In other words: no lookdown capability).

As already mentioned, a Stellung (radar site) typically relied on two radars for intercept guidance*: One to track the target, and the other one to track the nightfighter. Therefore only if BOTH target AND nightfighter were within detection range a ground controlled intercept could be performed. This is modelled. Furthermore, handoffs between different radar sites could not be achieved easily. This is also modelled. Player and target need to be in range of the SAME radar site for a GCI message to be broadcast.

Finally, there is a ChaffCloud unit that works with the 3 radar objects. If a chaff cloud is placed within range of a radar, every radar contact behind a 50km wide line normal to the LOS from radar to chaff will be blacked out. Note that if the 50km chaff curtain is theorectically intersecting a radar's range circle, the ChaffCLoud unit itself needs to be within range of the radar in order to be taken into account.


Currently, the ChaffCloud object has a number of limitations still. Only the chaff object closest to a radar will be considered. Besides, it is strongly recommended to not place more than one chaff object within a radar's maximum range, as this might lead to flawed chaff behaviour.
If radars are placed in an overlapping fashion, the player will receive messages from both sites (given on is in range of both). This is not a problem per se, but multiple overlapping radars will lead to HUD message information overkill. Historically, sites were spaced between 50-100 km apart on average. This should be a good guideline for FMB.
Finally, I tried tp optimize the objects' classes for minimum fps impact. It should thus be possible to have a large number of these radars on a map. However more testing is required on this.


Extract zip and put the "FuMG_Wuerzburg+Freya_v1.0beta" folder in your #DBW, #SAS or MODS folder, depending on your install.
Add these lines to the [StationaryObjects] section of your stationary.ini:

Code: [Select]
Freya                  vehicles.stationary.Freya$FreyaUnit   2
Wuerzburg-Riese        vehicles.stationary.Wuerzburg$WuerzburgUnit   2
Wuerzburg-Freya        vehicles.stationary.WuerzburgFreya$WuerzburgFreyaUnit   2
ChaffCloud             vehicles.stationary.ChaffCloud$ChaffCloudUnit  1


Version 1.0 beta:

You will find a mini-mission pack showcasing this mod here:

Note: I tried to make these objects as fps friendly as I could. However, my testing showed that with many of these units
(around 30) on a map there are certain situations where fps could drop considerably. May be that it is just my - admittedly slow -
machine. Anyway, should this become a problem for other users too, I will look into possibilities of reducing fps impact further.

* Two Würzburgs in HENAJA and DUNAJA (Seeburg-Lichtenstein-Verfahren), one tracking the fighter, the other one the bomber.
   Himmelbett Verfahren [originally known as Y-Verfahren (Nachtjagd)] employed two Würzburgs (each tracking a different target)
   and two Y-Bodenstelle FuSAn 733 (tracking one nightfighter each).



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Re: Wuerzburg-Riese + Freya (C&C style GCI radars) - coming soon
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2012, 01:38:16 AM »

reserved post


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Re: Wuerzburg-Riese + Freya (C&C style GCI radars) - coming soon
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2012, 02:00:33 AM »

Thanks, another masterpiece ;)


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Re: Wuerzburg-Riese + Freya (C&C style GCI radars) - coming soon
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2012, 02:51:14 AM »

Another amazing looking mod for us nightfighter fans sputnik, well done again mate.

A couple of quick questions, will the chaff cloud object be totally impervious to radar? Or will there be a percentage chance of the radar burning through?
Also could the chaff cloud effect be linked to an aircraft, so that a simulation of a mandrel screen could be achieved?

Thanks again mate, appreciate you work very much. And realise you are busy with real life, so above not that important, just thought I would ask.




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Re: Wuerzburg-Riese + Freya (C&C style GCI radars) - coming soon
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2012, 03:20:03 AM »

A couple of quick questions, will the chaff cloud object be totally impervious to radar? Or will there be a percentage chance of the radar burning through? Also could the chaff cloud effect be linked to an aircraft, so that a simulation of a mandrel screen could be achieved?

Yes, no and no.
Well, the chaff object is not yet working as it should/could. But I will release the mod anyway, as I won't have too much time polishing the chaff object anytime soon. There is no random chance built in, however, there is the unintended effect of radar bruning through chaff clouds if more than 1 chaff object is in range. I didn't manage yet to predict which ones will be ignored. It's not always the nearest one to the radar that is working though. Therefore you can achieve a pseudo random burn-through by exploiting this bug.
There's no need to link it to an aircraft actually. If there is no enemy a/c present the chaff object is just a dead stationary. Radar hibernates as long as no enemy a/c is in range, and even if there is, it keeps doing as little as possible as long as the player is not in range as well. You could just set up an a/c doing racetracks behind one or more (adequately spaced) chaffclouds, and you'd have a Mandrel screen. Actually you don't need the circling a/c at all, it would just be extra eye candy.


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Re: Wuerzburg-Riese + Freya (C&C style GCI radars) - coming soon
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2012, 04:09:27 AM »

Ok, cheers sputnik, sounds good.

My thinking with the chaff object tied to an aircraft was this.

Reduce the chaff object range to say a 20 km line, and attach it to an aircraft, then the said aircraft would act as a jammer/chaff screen.
You would then need to have a continuous racetrack pattern say, to produce an impenetrable screen, but also 1 or 2 aircraft spread throughout the bomber stream would act like a GCI jammer. There would also be the opportunity of destroying these aircraft, and so reducing the jamming/chaff effect.

Just an idea mate




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Re: Wuerzburg-Riese + Freya (C&C style GCI radars) - coming soon
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2012, 11:05:36 AM »

amazing! Appreciate the hard work and creativity. Will this be made compatible w CY6's C&C mod?


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Re: Wuerzburg-Riese + Freya (C&C style GCI radars) - coming soon
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2012, 11:14:25 AM »

mandrill, is this a serious question? Can you imagine me flying around on a map without C&C objects??  8) ;D

In theory it is 100% compatible with C&C. In practice there might be certain situations where it might conflict with some C&C object, which I believe is highly unlikely. Still only post-release testing (can you imagine there are people who call it flying/playing/simming???  :D ) will show.
If that happens, it will get fixed.


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Re: Wuerzburg-Riese + Freya (C&C style GCI radars) - coming soon
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2012, 11:34:03 AM »

Hey Sputnik-this looks interesting-looking forward to trying in out. Couple of questions: are you planning to have the radar arrays as actual visible objects? Like, there would be masts that could, ooo I dont know, perhaps strafed by an intruder?!? Also, for the chaff cloud, is this 'window', as in, the cloud disappears over time, and moves as the bomber stream penetrates the airspace? Either way, I'm sure it will be good.




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Re: Wuerzburg-Riese + Freya (C&C style GCI radars) - coming soon
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2012, 03:01:45 PM »

are you planning to have the radar arrays as actual visible objects? Like, there would be masts that could, ooo I dont know, perhaps strafed by an intruder?!?
This would be something for a future version.

Also, for the chaff cloud, is this 'window', as in, the cloud disappears over time, and moves as the bomber stream penetrates the airspace?
It's generic chaff and could thus be used for window, mandrell etc. Depends on how it is used in FMB.
It currently has no timeout, and also does not move with the stream.

I am not satisfied with the chaff object as it is now, which is the reason why I haven't released this mod earlier. Anyway, if it's too buggy, unreliable or infact completely useless, well, one can still use the radars and just ignore the chaff cloud unit.


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Re: Wuerzburg-Riese + Freya (C&C style GCI radars) - coming soon
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2012, 04:39:42 PM »

Hey Sputnik-this looks interesting-looking forward to trying in out. Couple of questions: are you planning to have the radar arrays as actual visible objects? Like, there would be masts that could, ooo I dont know, perhaps strafed by an intruder?!? Also, for the chaff cloud, is this 'window', as in, the cloud disappears over time, and moves as the bomber stream penetrates the airspace? Either way, I'm sure it will be good.



There are already some radar objects available and it would take little work by a 3D modder to produce some others. Canon produced British Chain Home radar and there is a curved rectangle radar dish among the original object set.


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Re: Wuerzburg-Riese + Freya (C&C style GCI radars) - coming soon
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2012, 05:35:11 PM »

Canon has been working on these models for a time now.
See my radar request post below...



keep on truckin' , sputnik!
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