For Rebels 409 !
Cant Z.1007bis - Cant Z.1007bis monoderiva
Cant Z.506B
version 3.1- Z.1007 monoderiva
- fix position hooks by IES Team
version 3- Z.506B : add Samar loadout by IES Team
- add Z.1007 monoderiva by IES Team
- DiffFM_409 needed for Cant Z.506B !
- SSP included !
Link flyable version 3.1: AI only version 3.1:
** New FM by Birdman ! **
**********************- This FM is identical to the original FM in v4.11m except adjusted prop pitch parameters and a small float tweak to prevent bouncing on water with 100% fuel and bombs.
- This FM has two manual prop pitch settings just like SM.79 with similar engines. Thus, you have to use the fine prop pitch (default) for take-off and climb, and manually switch to coarse pitch setting (50% or less prop pitch) in higher speeds to avoid overrevving (RPM above 2450 will damage your engines).
- Be careful in dives: VNE is the original 400 km/h IAS and engines may overrev even in slower speeds, so look at your airspeed and RPM indicators when diving.
The archive contains folders for all 409/410 users ! :- Z.1007bis - Daidalos Team (4.10)
- Italo for skin
- Zipo top modeling
- Epervier : conversion 4.09
- Z.1007bis monoderiva - Arsenal (IES Team)
- Z.506B - Daidalos Team (4.11)
- Italo for skin
- Epervier : conversion 4.09/4.10
- Tyrl & HISTO_Yeti : cockpit repeint
- Histo_Lebig : idea/assembling cockpit, new FM (1)
- Birdman : new FM (2)
- Samar loadout : IES Team
Bons vols !
Nota :
I have this version since March, 2016.
But I had promised to not broadcast it before the official release of IES3.1 pack!
Big thanks at IES Team !