Hi Mission_bug
Maybe this will be useful. Am not sure , do you think about this plane?.
Orginal text below pictures:
506 einer deutschen Seenotstaffel in Puntisella (Pola), Kennung Q8+K3
I found this info here:
http://www.ww2.dk/air/seefl/seenot7.htmlSeenotstaffel 7
Formed 3.41 in Kiel-Holtenau.
19.8.44 redesignated Seenotstaffel 70.
Subordinated to Seenotzentrale (L) Athen (4.41 - 6.42) and Seenotbereichskommando XI (6.42 - 8.44).
4.41 - 4.42 part of III. Seenotgruppe.
Used the following aircraft: Do 24, Fw 58, He 59, Ju 52, W34 and Cant Z.506
Hptm William Freudenberg, 13.7.42 - ?
Formed 5.41 in Athens-Phaleron as Seenotzentrale (L) Athen.
On 1.6.42 became Seenotbereichskommando XI.
Moved to Iraklion in 1942, but would later return to Athens-Phaleron again.
19.8.44 renamed Stab/Seenotgruppe 70.
Seenotbezirkstelle (L) Suda Bucht [5.41 - 6.42]
Seenotbezirkstelle (L) Derna/Bombabucht [6.41 - 6.42]
Seenotkommando 14 in Pola [6.42 - 9.43 & 4.44 - 8.44]
Seenotkommando 16 in Derna [6.42 - 10.42]
Seenotkommando 17 in Suda Bay [6.42 - 8.44]
Seenotkommando 30 in Ravenna [4.44 - 8.44]
Seenotkommando 35 in Split [10.43 - 8.44]
Seenotstaffel 7 in Athens-Phaleron [5.41 - 8.44]
Seenotflotille 11 in Athens [5.41 - 8.44]
Subordinated to Seenotdienstführer 2 (12.41 - 8.44).
Kiel-Holtenau, 3.41 - 3.41
Schellingwoude, 3.41 - late 3.41
Varna, 4.41 - 22.4.41
Saloniki-Mikra, 22.4.41 - 7.7.41
Athens-Phaleron, 7.7.41 - 19.8.44
Seenotkommando 14
Formed 1.6.42 in Pola.
Disbanded 8.44.
Subordinated to Seenotbereichskommando XI (6.42 - 9.43), Seenotbereichskommando XIV (9.43 - 4.44) and Seenotbereichskommando XI (4.44 - 8.44).
6.42 - 8.44 in Pola
Edit: When i research internet I found that this plane, he was probably belonged to Seenotstaffel 6 or Seenotdienstführer/Lfl. 6
Cant Z.506 Italy Q8+X3 Seenotstaffel 6 or Seenotdienstführer/Lfl. 6
and second
Cant Z.506 Italy Q8+B8 Seenotstaffel 6 or Seenotdienstführer/Lfl. 6
but I didn't found the confirmation.
I apologise for the mistake

Cheers . Piotrek