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Author Topic: Microdem map size  (Read 3964 times)

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Microdem map size
« on: April 11, 2012, 07:32:35 PM »

Hey map makers, im getting another problem.

I downloaded UP Boomers microdem (thanks dude lol), but i have another problem. When i try to set the map pixel size to 50, for IL-2, i have to use 6 sectors for the map (Florida's in a bad place) and when i try that, after i zoom in on florida, it gives me this- "Not enough storage is avaiable to process this command"

Any help?


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Re: You must be kidding me >:(
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2012, 12:36:14 AM »

Use 4GB max heap/Long Address Aware on Microdem.exe (like for fb.exe) and see the difference. Also set the max pixels in options to 25,000. think that was the limit.


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Re: You must be kidding me >:(
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2012, 05:34:20 PM »

Do you know how i can set that? (my version doesn't have instructions lol)


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Re: You must be kidding me >:(
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2012, 02:21:01 AM »

yes I do, and yes it does, though the help is a bit overwhelming...

When microdem opens you can open the options from the little window there, or from the menu later...
Go to the Maps tab, Max Map Size is top right, 25,000 pixels is the most the program will accept. You can also set Map Memory Check to suit your RAM if you "modded" the microdem.exe file.
When you get the not enough storage message try forcing a redraw of the image, (menu!) usually works!

If you want to map Florida, remember the max usable map size is 1000km square, planes won't spawn beyond this. At this size you may also have to adjust your 50m scale to compensate for distortion. The map projected in microdem, and IL2, is like all others flat and square, but the real world is flat round... so the south (northern hemisphere) baseline shows the true distance (apart from surface curvature, about 1.5%, negligible) but the northern end is stretched from a trapezium into a square, which becomes more pronounced as you head further north. To compensate and prevent northern distances being relatively much longer than southern you can average out the true distances along the southern and northern edges and reduce the scale accordingly, around 15% is a good mean but it depends where you are on the globe. With the equator through the middle of the map distortion would be equal both north and south, so you need less, and in the southern hemisphere it's reversed of course. Add back a little for surface curvature (which really depends on altitude in RL, distance/speed over ground vs distance/speed through the air, more relevant to stratospherics) but 15% gives you 57.5 metres not 50 for an average diagonal flight across the map without too much north/south distortion. Florida is fairly south, so maybe a bit less, take 10% and you get a nice round 55m for an "equalised" map. Another question would be which map projection to use, as if you want to use old maps you need to use the same projection to make microdem match, but actually tabbycat is the man to ask here, I'll let a real cartographer explain all that! However, once you have it set up remember to cut out your selected area and save it as a new DEM so you always have a fixed size and don't have to load multiple DEMS all the time, but do make sure you set the cut out size to multiples of 32 for IL2. Work out a size that divides into 32 for both mapC and mapT, T is 25% of C as we know, but to keep to 32 blocks and avoid distortions from C to T make sure T divides by 32 (both axes) and C is 4 times the size of T, precisely, to the pixel, otherwise the terrain in mapT, and the heights in mapH, especially coastlines, won't match up with the outlines in mapC...


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Re: You must be kidding me >:(
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2012, 02:06:45 PM »

Hahaha sorry, I did find my answer (Thanks a million!), but i couldnt think of a good title since ive been asking 1 million things about microdem so far :/ lol

Oh, and as to the map, Its actually going along quite nicely. due to the size of florida, which is about 960 Miles (Both ends), i can get the gulf of mexico in nicely, the keys fit in good, but the downside is the east coast is very small along west palm beach  :(


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Re: Microdem map size (fixed boomer)
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2012, 02:22:14 PM »

Oh and another question. Should lakes have been added in Microdem or is that later on in texturing? I'm wondering since lake okachobee is missing...
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