You are so CLOSE now!
I'll take inspiration from your motto keep calm and carry on

Any chance you could capture a logfile poltava using the instant logfile mod and post it to me so I can figure out the null bug? Cheers

Or if not how can I recreate the bug? cant seem to get it to happen in qmb but im assuming its a campaign bug yeah?
For V1.1 patch next week
- The texture mapping of flaps is fixed, but ailerons still have exactly the same problem- The parent of Flap02_D0 is still incorrect, just change it to WingRIn_D0 in hier.him- Fix Landing Light- Fix smoke direction- Fix flame direction- Fix direction of propellor spin - apparently this engine spins opposite way can anyone definitely confirm this?
- Fix propellor spin missing blade normal- Normals of gear well covers are reversed- make markings overlays
- Stabs, flaps and right aileron are placed a bit too low in hier.him - adjusted them slightly- Bf 109 damage textures don't really fit, maybe you could ask Vpmedia to create perfect ones
- The center of the 3D model is a bit too forward causing heavy tail on ground and a bit odd pitch movement in air - this im not sure about, the wings are forward on the plane and the COG is currently under the cockpit where the wings join so I dont know how much the COG is off. ideas?