Thank You a lot for this great plane and SAS~GJE52's mapping fix!
Unfortunately, I found more and more bugs while testing and fixing this plane. Thus, my fix patch got quite large with these fixes:
- Center position adjusted a bit
- Positions of ailerons, flaps and stabilizers fine tuned
- Some shadow bugs fixed
- LODs cleaned (There is now one LOD with low resolution texture, no shadow and a bit simpler mesh, but texture mapping is buggy in it.)
- Nose and stabilizers won't sink into ground anymore
- Damage of many parts fixed (Collision names are care sensitive and most didn't work because of it.)
- Many collision boxes reshaped and new ones added for elevators and rudder (Engine and CF collisions still have too simple shapes, so someone could update them.)
- Many damage bugs in hier.him fixed like incorrect parents, dead pilot and some missing damaged parts
- Damage meshes cleaned and updated
- Engine damage effects fixed
- New damage textures (I'm not texture artist, so they're likely not best possible.)
- Added missing GlassOil.mat and GlassOilHoles.mat to fix error messages (They're just copies of Glass2.mat because oil and holes looked too bad due to texture mapping.)
You can download these fixes at
This pack includes SAS~GJE52's mapping fix, but I left out mapping template that you can get from SAS~GJE52's download.
Just unpack to the mod folder of this plane so that these files replace original ones.
I modified damage textures from Cr.32 ones, so bullet holes are painted by Molva ( or Nachprod (aka MURDOC, or someone else who worked with Cr.32.
DBW compatibility fix: Those who can't get this plane working in DBW or other v4.10.1m based version can try FM file for v4.10.1m. However, better solution is to update DiffFM mod to later version that supports FM files for other IL-2 versions like the FM included in original mod.
I hope you enjoy flying and shooting at VG-33 more with these fixes.
- Birdman