I am proud to present to you the first campaigns for Asura's new DGen. The campaigns can be played in the unmodded and the modded version of the game, see installation instructions below.
Campaigns and flyable aircraft types:
Solomon Islands - Imperial Japanese Navy (Bomber) – G4M1, D3A1
Solomon Islands - Imperial Japanese Navy (Fighter) – A6M2-21, A6M3, A6M5
Solomon Islands - Imperial Japanese Army (Fighter) – Ki-43, Ki-61
Solomon Islands - Royal New Zealand Air Force (Fighter) – P-40
Solomon Islands - US Marine Corps (Bomber) – SBD
Solomon Islands - US Marine Corps (Fighter) – F4F, F4U
Solomon Islands - US Navy (Bomber) – SBD
Solomon Islands - US Navy (Fighter) – F4F, F4U, F6F
Solomon Islands - US Army (Fighter) – P-38, P-39, P-40, P-400
Il-2 1946 version 4.11 or the latest modded version of the game (UP/DBW)
DGen mod by Asura
The campaigns will NOT work with the old DGen.exe file created by Starshoy only with Asura's new DGen.
1. Download and install the latest version of Asura's DGen Mod.
Download links to the DGen Mod files can be found in the following forum threads:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,20104.0.htmlhttp://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?t=2337Make sure to download and install the most recent files!
EDIT - Look here for information how to make the campaigns playable with DGen
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,25745.msg336031.html#msg3360312. Extract the campaigns DGen and PaintSchemes folders contained in the .zip file into your games main directory.
3. The campaigns were created for the unmodded version of the game. If you are using Ultra Pack or Dark Blue world, put the files from the folder "Files for mod users" into your DGen folder after you installed the campaign files and overwrite the files from the unmodded version.
See the readme file for further information.
Skins by 200th_Sakagawa, BH-21, Boelcke, CanonUK, Hayate, Juri_JS, Jaypack44, Misha.Misha, Phas3e, Ronnco and VPmedia.
Some ground objects were taken from JackPof's Solomon Islands templates and a template by Motorhead.
Russian translation of message text by Motorhead.
Beta testing by Boelcke and Motorhead.
A special thanks goes to Asura for creating the new DGen and for patiently answering my numerous questions.

Known problems:
On long-range intercept missions the routes of enemy and friendly flights are sometimes slightly too far away and the flights will not see each other (will be fixed by one of the next DGen versions).
Sometimes aircraft collisions during airstart and torpedo attack missions.