Are you a Spanish Civil War buff that wants to fly those new Spanish Civil War planes by DreamK, the Letov S-231 and the Gordou-Lesseure GL-32? Do you want to shoot down Giotto's new Savioa-Marchetti SM.81? Well, this might be the thing for you:
This is a semi-historical, 7-mission static campaign, set in the Spanish Civil War during early 1937, using Agraciers "Baleares" map . You are a Republican pilot, part of a small coastal defence unit, equipped with Czech Letov S-231's, for fighter and recce duties, and French Gordou-Lesseure GL-32's for bombing.
DOWNLOAD IT HERE: in the Mediterranean the Balearic islands (with the exception of Menorca) are controlled by the Nationalists, while the closest part of the mainland is still in the hands of the Republic. These islands are a Nationalist stronghold. The main part of the enemy air assets there are regular Italian units, thinly disguised as Spanish. (The supplies to the islands also comes mainly from Italy.) There are also Italian and German warships in the waters surrounding Mallorca and Ibiza, and from here Italian submarines operates clandestinely against shipping going to and from Republican ports.
An air war is waged between the Nationalist Baleares and the Republican mainland. For the Nationalists Mallorca is a sort of unsinkable aircraft carrier, from which they can launch air attacks against strategic targets on the mainland. For the Republic this is a menace, threatening all their ports and rear areas. Your main task is to help protect the shipping and the coastal areas, and mainly Valencia, against enemy bomb attacks.
There are three guys who made this campaign possible:
DreamK (who made the S-231, the GL-32 and the Ro.37, that are all used here),
Gio693tto (who made the SM-81) and
Agracier (who made the map and some of the skins). Thanks guys for your great work, for the benefit of the whole IL-2 modding community! If one person should be singled out it is of course
DreamK, who is about to making the whole Spanish Civil War in the air available to us, by producing a host of great new aircraft!!!
Thanks for looking!