I am standing up and giving an enthusiastic applause to VPmedia! Great job on this cool update!
I have now tested every airplane and the new cockpits look super good with the new coloring and
new dashes. WOW! I would say they almost look realistic!
As for the default skins you have chosen out of my old collection, I thank you very much and I say you
chose some really nice colors and they fit the airplanes pretty nice. Although, I will be doing an update on
them with more details and better looking skins in a few days time.
I am already painting new default skins to improve on these you have chosen. I will also add more details to
the engines, some wooden parts, and make them match and fit these new airplanes a little bit better.
The new effects and new add-ons you have chosen have really brought a nice surprise and cool gameplay to
this version of our beloved IL-2-1916 (DBW-1916). My enthusiastic applause to all the effects-makers and
mod-artists who created them! They are simply amazing! Thanks guys
MY APPLAUSE and a BIG THANK YOU for ALL your hard work and dedication to improving this game!
BIG CHEERS to VPMEDIA and everyone involved in this update!