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Author Topic: DPI and TGA files...  (Read 2557 times)

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DPI and TGA files...
« on: June 12, 2012, 01:38:05 PM »

Ok Guys, found teh rigth section this time:
So I have teh problem of having a Cmap TGA that the C tool can´t handle. It has to be related to the file size (not teh map size), since if I reduce ot to half the size, it work ok, The original is a 1:2, so half would be a 1:4th wich I don´t like. The other thing I have tryed (and waht confirms that iots a file size thing) was lowering the DPIs...

What happnes if I create a C-map on less DPI than 72? doe sit afect the game?
What would be a "standard" lower DPI?
Is it logical to go this way or should I try to reduce teh area or seek other solutions?


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Re: DPI and TGA files...
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2012, 02:58:11 PM »

Making an image to go from 72dpi to 36 is same as reduce it in size from 1024 to 512 so the dpi method will not work.
You could do it in 1:4 and the simply resize the image by 200% in Photoshop so you will get the 1:2 proportions back. If your starting image is sharp enough you will not notice a big difference.


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Re: DPI and TGA files...
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2012, 03:54:09 PM »

Wel I am trying creating a new image the right size and low DPI, and pasting the original image on it...
Sitll not working.. file not small enough, it seams....

Styrange I am going to dig up the Pacific map and see how big and complex  it is...


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Re: DPI and TGA files...
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2012, 06:04:29 PM »

Well the thing that worke was reducing the size, but I went to a 75% of the origibnal anfd it works Ok (80% crashed the c tools too), so My cuba will be slightlly smaller than 1.2 at least until I figure out a way to do it on 1.2 scale...


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Re: DPI and TGA files...
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2012, 01:55:36 AM »

You could examine the extracted existing large IL-2 maps and you may figure out the max available pixel dimensions.
Maybe your RAM is a limiting factor too, how much do you have in your PC?


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Re: DPI and TGA files...
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2012, 02:22:45 PM »

No Ram is no problem, I have 2Gb in my working laptop, but I tryed also in my Gaming laptop, Alienware Mx 17 I7+8Gb RAM, So I really doubt it has anything to do with computing power  ;), I belive it has more to do with teh limitations of teh tool.

I reduced teh size of teh map to a 75% and it went throug. I guess I´ll have to makle a 1.3 scale Cuba + part of the Caribean...

Convinientlly I left out continental Florida, and onlly included the lower part of the Keys, with a few air bases. (to be able to fly the 15 days recon mission) ;).

I´ll keep at it with this configuratiosn, since it worked.. but tonight I´ll upload the original files so you guys can experimet with them if you feel like it...

Cheers, and thanks for the help!
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