And how about this for a coincidence: the same day that Ranwers releases his BEAUTIFUL Ju-188, Bravo41actual over at Freeilmodding releases his Ju-388! 
See here: @edit: Dead link removed
I'll bet someone is already thinking of using Ranwers cockpit to make bravo41actual's 388 flyable.
I was but it is only going to be personal usage because I really don't want to upset Bravo.
ANDY, it's a great idea if we can use this pit for the other 388.
best way to go about it - fire off a PM to both Ranwers and Bravo, asking them if you may do it.
that way they will both appreciate being asked first, and you'd be surprised, sometimes these guys will be only too happy if someone is prepared to lighten their load.
point Bravo to a link or pic of Ranwers' pit, i'm sure he'll be impressed, and likewise, i'm sure Ranwers will be happy to see his pit being put to good use.

and then, of course, the whole community will be happy with a new flyable.
sounds like a win-win for everyone, yeah?