Hi everybody. An other request for the Ecuadorian Airforce of de 50's. The P-47D. During the month of November 1946, the USAAF aproved the sale of 12 P-47D for $ 6500 dollars each for the FAE. In 1953, the FAE bought 15 additionals aircrafts, which enabled him to maintain about 25 planes in flight. The 21 April 1947, the pilots and mechanicians leave for the U.S. to receive trainings for fighting and aircraft maintenance.
The combat unit had registration codes from 400 to 411.
This is the name of the first pilots who flew the P-47D.
Lieutenant Colonel : Edmundo Carvajal Flores
Lieutenant Colonel : Bolivar Pico Santos
Major : Victor Suarez Haz
Captain : Jorge Muller M.
Captain : Gonzalo Fernandez S.
Captain : Gustavo Izurieta
Lieutenant : Hernan Valdez Rivadeneira
Lieutenant : Jacinto Ochoa M.
Lieutenant : Hugo Espinoza P.
Lieutenant : Raul Sandoval M.
Lieutenant : Guillermo Barreiro
Lieutenant : Raul Ochoa M.
Lieutenant : Daniel Pinargote
Lieutenant : José Maya ( Mecanician )
Lieutenant : Carlos Flores Guerra ( Mecanician )
It will be possible to put the name of those pilots on each skin with is own registration code ? Like this ?

And this is the paint scheme :

Maybe prille59 can do this

He did the skin of the Ecuadorian T-33.
Thanks a lot !! I thank again the work of modders and their time to make beautiful creations for us .