This follows a suggestion by Mane. The RAF Aircobra I , is basically the same as the P-400. 303 Brownings in the wings, 50 cals in the nose and 20mm Hispano in the spinner.
This New Slot has it's own cockpit, which also gives it a "western" reticle, and a Newly coloured Cockpit, making it look less than the Neon Green Variety (awesome to fly when you on acid, but not so good otherwise)

Also better POV, and bla bla bla.
Bell Aircobra 1 ~ RAF
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~by SAS~CirX
Included Skins & Default Skins by Cpt Farrel, based on work by Shooter & Jester
Cockpit Re-color & POV by CirX, with reticles by NonWonderDog
3dModel and game by 1C
Skinfolder included with extra skin by Shooter.
Lines to Add:air.iniAirCobra1 air.Aircobra1cx 1 gb01 SUMMER
Planes_ru:AirCobra1 Bell Aircobra I RAF, 1941
# AirCobra1
AirCobra1.default Default
AirCobra1.none Empty
Cool Historical Info about this plane: http://home.att.net/~jbaugher1/p39_5.htmlI thought of slotting this in with the regular P-400, but I saw future compatibility issues with that.
I include a skinfolder with extra "testplane" brown and green skin, also by Shooter.
Download RAF Aircobra IS!
Thanx for looking