Ok maybe someone wants to put this into the first post as well:
For anyone who wants to use "automatic" wipers and does not know how to write the code for it or doesn't even know that it is possible here are the files that will automatically wipe your windscreen for you at different times.
http://www.filefront.com/15235447/Auto_wipers.rarTo use them put the 6 files into your IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 Directory Folder. When you are in game, press the chat button and type ">f wipe*" or alternatively if there is no chat press shift+tab and type "f wipe*" the right arrow should already be there. (Please replace the * sign with f, m or s. Read below to see what they do.)
There are 3 speed settings:
wipef = fast (non-stop)
wipem = medium (every 2 seconds)
wipes = slow (every 5 seconds)
Now there is one thing I must tell you. This NEVER STOPS. The only way to stop this continual circuit is to move their files out of the directory folder so that it cannot repeat. So if I want to stop the file wipef I must remove either wipef or wipef2 out of the directory folder. If I want to stop wipes I must remove wipes or wipes2 from the directory folder. You can put it back in after 5 seconds. Then alt tab into game and you should find that your wipers have stopped.