The campaign contains the following parts:
Belgium 1939, Phoney war
Belgium 1940, Blitzkrieg
France 1940, Battle of france
France 1941: Circus (june 1941 till december 1941)
Channel front spring 1942: Butcher Bird
France autumn 1942: Fortresses ahead
Channel front January 1943: All quiet at the western front
Channel autumn 1943: War of attrition
France may 1944: Pre invasion phase
Normandy june 1944: DDay
Normandy july 1944: Breakout
Northern germany fall 1944: Throes of death
Ardennes: Operation Bodenplatte
Northern germany 1945: Defeat
The campaign is available for
Luftwaffe fighters, RAF and USAAF fighters, fighter bombers and bombers -
some 2000 missions all together! you are able to fly nearly everything which was used in ww2 in the ETO. I´ve added some new content from 4.11 and HSFX 6 into the campaign like the Do 17, Hs 123, Hurri Bomber, early two blade Hurricane and so on.
The bomber campaign will start 1941 and ends with the invasion cause the other maps are to small for bomber operations.
The RAF fighter bomber campaign will start also in june 1941. In reality the RAF didn´t made use of fighter bombers before early 1942 in the ETO in day time raids, but hey, it´s fun.

The USAAF campaigns are starting in 1942 of course.
Flyable planes: Everything which is historical correct and available in HSFX ...
Used maps are Normandy, Ardennes and Northwest Europe. The maps are highly populated with objects from various mission/map template artists.
What do you need to get the campaign working:
HSFX 6.01 and dgen.exe campaign is available here:
http://www.axis-and-allies-paintworks.com/download.php?view.715skin packs:
USAAF skins:
http://www.axis-and-allies-paintworks.com/download.php?view.521 RAF and Luftwaffe skin packs (new Vers. 1.1):
http://www.axis-and-allies-paintworks.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?5465update 01/05/2013: patch for Cyberolas map repaint of the Ardennes mapif you are using Cyberolas map repaint of the Ardennes map:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,34403.0.htmldownload this small patch and you will see his great winter and summer texures together with some changed airfields:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/99684525/Patch_Ardennes_map_RRR.zipjust unzip it and copy all the included files into the \DGEN folder, on top to the existing campaign and overwrite the old ones - i think ongoing campaigns will not be affected
Changes V 1.1:
- Fixing the loadout bug for the Bf 109 G6 Erla´s and Mid which can crash the campaign
- Added the Fw190 A4 FR to the campaign (thx to TheFruitBat)
- Added the Bf 109 E7N
- Removed the LaGG3 fake DW 520
- Changed the loadouts for the Typhoon: The Typhoon IB has now always bombs as loadouts, the IB Late always Rockets - so you can choose what´s the best for your taste.
- Both DDay subcampaigns are much more enriched with ground objects and effects like Arti barrage and fire and somke to make it more vivid, like a living battlefield
Be carefull, the rear area has now masses of german AA guns in the eastern direction of the map, the bridges are now heavy defended.
I recommend the allied DDay fighter bomber campaigns, much fun! But much more difficult than before.
Changes V 1.2:
- fixed some problems with the objects in the dday subcampaigns and populated more German airfields
Changes V 1.3:
- cleaned the crowded airfields to avoid crashes for the AI planes when landing and taxing to the dispersal area (thx to Blaubär for report)
- balanced the early war RAF subcampaigns for the AI in 4.11
- many minor fixes and changes in the other parts of the campaign