Updated for final patch (1.11.20362)
As the thread title suggests, this campaign is based on the book 'Spitfire on my tail' by Ulrich Steinhilper and Peter Osbourne and i have tried to stick as closely to the book as possible- this is NOT a 'tons of combat in every mission' and the first part of the campaign is rather slow combat wise, mirroring Steinhilper's frustration at seeming to be in 'the wrong place at the wrong time'.
There is however several missions where you will find more spits than is healthy- missions include upto 160 aircraft in the air at times
As such you will probably need a fairly strong rig, and may need to drop some visual settings.
Clouds and some bad weather are in some missions- but there are 'cloud free' versions if your rig really can't handle them.
The campaign is 32 missions long and is part 1 of a 2 part campaign, starting with your transfer to Coquelles airfield and ending towards the end of September(for part 1).
There is a quite long readme which you are highly encouraged to read.
Briefings include waypoint information, maps and a 'tactical blackboard' which again you are highly encouraged to read.
Skins are also included- based on Capt Farrel's work (butchered by me
) and his permission to use them is highly appreciated
http://airwarfare.com/sow/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/4-offline-campaigns/476-spitfire-on-my-tail-part1have fun