Tr?n Qu?c H?i (* 1960, Vietnam)
Lê V?n Danh (* 1966, Vietnam)
Homemade Helicopter, 1997-20021997 Tr?n Qu?c H?i and Lê V?n Danh begin research into the construction of helicopters. They travel all over southern Vietnam to study the design of American helicopters on display in war museums, and begin to build their own.
2002 Using instructions obtained from the Internet and an old Russian truck motor, they complete building their first helicopter. In initial testing, the helicopter lifts six feet off the ground.
2003 In February, the Vietnamese government confiscates the helicopter during testing. Under mounting pressure from the national press, the helicopter is returned to them a month later.
In May, the Vietnamese government gives Tr?n Qu?c H?i and Lê V?n Danh the Labor Hero award for their work on the helicopter.
In June, they receive orders from the government to stop testing their helicopter.
Homemade Helicopter, 20052005 In May, Tr?n Qu?c H?i and Lê V?n Danh begin building their second helicopter, completing it in November. They must await government permission to begin a phase of flight tests. - Din_Q_Le_chronology.pdf2007 - Farmers' homemade helicopter poised for take offThe second helicopter went on display at the
Singapore Biennale 2008 and
The Museum of Modern Art in 2010. More on the story