After the Blenheim, I had to gave some attention to the SB-2, one of the most neglected plane in this sim - beyond the old AAA cockpit and Archies' S-71 version. So here's a Talvisota Version of the SB2M103 and the SB2M100A, with historical skis (retractable on the 103, fixed on the 100A) appearing when your are on a winter map, and a wide array of armament, only part of what these planes could carry. I used them as a test bed for the new Finnish bombs and the new Russian bombs - Most of these new Russian bombs are creation of Lindr who very kindly authorized me to import them to Il2 (not a litlle work

every 3d model needed smoothing, Lods, shadow, export and java, but tehy are worth it

) - I have imported presently only the pre-1939 bombs.
You''ll find 2 special loads: the RRAB-3 cluster - the "Molotov's Bread basket" iconic of Talvisota (was also be taken under the wings of the R-5 in the Winter War) here with a load of AO-8m3 bomblets and the ABK-1 (the Russian "Spezzoniera", less sophisticated, but a great step forward from the previously used "Onisko" bucket).
The RRAB-3 was a simple "basket" liberating its content when its lid opens - spreading depending upon altitude of drop and quantity of bomblets inside - between 220 to 850 square meters if dropped under 3000m, between 480 to 1100 square meters if dropped between 3000m and 5000m. I uplaoded presently only one configuration among the ten possible, the others will follow soon. The RRAB-3 was alomst the only load to be carried on external pylons on the SB-2M100A (external pylons were used more extensively on the M103 engined version, much more potent)
The ABK-1 was a tube container taking the place of a regular 50kg bomb in teh bomb bay, with a bottom lid that opened to empty its content (7 configurations were possible, I uploaded presently 3 of them the 30 ZAB-2,5, the 30 AO-2,5 and the 3 AO-25)
I've also included arrays of Swedish and Russian made Depth Charge specifically used by these planes on anti-submarine missions - a specialty where Finnish operated SB-2 bombers excelled.
One last detail - Heavy loads are dropped one at a time for increased realism.

So here they are:
SB-2 "Talvisota" Skis M-103 & M100A Bombs Bombs M103 Skis
SB_2M103S air.SB_2M103S 1 r01 SUMMER
SB_2M103S SB-2 M103 Skis, 1939
# SB_2M103S
SB_2M103S.default Default
SB_2M103S.6xFAB50 6 50kg FAB (Russian)
SB_2M103S.6xFAB100 6 100kg FAB (Russian)
SB_2M103S.1xFAB250 1 250kg FAB (Russian)
SB_2M103S.2xFAB250 2 250kg FAB (Russian)
SB_2M103S.2xFAB500 2 500kg FAB (Russian)
SB_2M103S.2xSjunkbombM24 2 M24 Depth Charge (Svenska)
SB_2M103S.2x250M40Min+1x500M41Min 1 500kg M41 + 2 250 M41 Minbomb (Svenska)
SB_2M103S.2x250m37+1x450m37 1 450kg m37 + 2 250kg m37 (Tolfvan)
SB_2M103S.2x250m37+6x70m38 2 250kg m37 + 6 70kg m38 (Tolfvan)
SB_2M103S.2xSjunkbombM33+6x50m37AS 2 M33 Depth Charge + 6 50kg m30 AS (Tolfvan)
SB_2M103S.2xBB1DC+6xBM1DC 2 BB-1 + 6 BM-1 Depth Charges (Russian)
SB_2M103S.none Empty
SB-2 M100A Skis
SB_2M100AS air.SB_2M100AS 1 r01 SUMMER
SB_2M100AS SB-2 M100A Skis, 1936
# SB_2M100AS
SB_2M100AS.default Default
SB_2M100AS.6xFAB50SV 6 50kg FAB-SV (Russian)
SB_2M100AS.6xABK1_18AO25m1 6 ABK-1 (18 AO-25m1) (Russian)
SB_2M100AS.6xABK1_120AO2_5+60ZAB2_5 6 ABK-1 (120 AO-2,5 & 60 ZAB-2,5) (Russian)
SB_2M100AS.6xFAB70 6 70kg FAB (Russian)
SB_2M100AS.6xFAB100SV 6 100kg FAB-SV (Russian)
SB_2M100AS.6x70m38 6 70kg M38 (Tolfvan)
SB_2M100AS.6x100m38 6 100kg M38 (Tolfvan)
SB_2M100AS.1xFAB250SV 1 250kg FAB-SV (Russian)
SB_2M100AS.1xRRAB3 1 RRAB-3 (34 AO-8m3) (Russian)
SB_2M100AS.1xFAB500SV 1 500kg FAB-SV (Russian)
SB_2M100AS.1xFAB1000SV 1 1000kg FAB-SV (Russian)
SB_2M100AS.1xFAB250m30 1 250kg m30bis (Tolfvan)
SB_2M100AS.1xFAB250m30bis 1 250kg m30bis (Tolfvan)
SB_2M100AS.1x450m37 1 450kg m37 (Tolfvan)
SB_2M100AS.4x50m30AS+1xSjunkbombM24 2 M24 Depth Charge + 4 50kg m30AS (Tolfvan)
SB_2M100AS.2xGlubinayaBB1 2 BB-1 Depth Charges (Russian)
SB_2M100AS.2xRRAB3 2 RRAB-3 (68 AO-8m3) (Russian)
SB_2M100AS.none Empty
Original 3d additionnal meshes, Java Files: Dreamk
Russian bomb meshes: Lindr
Quality control process: Epervier
Original cockpit from the AAA original mod
Update 1 31 August 2012Lebig's Fix for the ski gear struts that keep appearing on the M103 when the wheels are "on", in the Folders SB-2M_103(Russian) and SB-2M-103(Multi) open the file hierS.him in a text editor and replace the [GearLN_D0] and [GearRN_D0] sections like by these ones (it adds just a line with the word "Hidden" to them):
Mesh GearLS7_D0
Parent WingLIn_D0
Attaching 0 -1.000000 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.578773 -1.522282 -0.581054
Mesh GearRS7_D0
Parent WingRIn_D0
Attaching 0 -1.000000 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -2.554740 -1.561664 -0.581049
Update 2 - 28/5/14Here are the versions for 4.12.2 Modact 5.30
SB_2M_flyableSkis:'ll need to install also the new Reworked AviaB-71 (as the new fix calls for some new java files there) is still an unwanted second gun barrel in the inner view of the front turret I need to take out).
To activate the rear gunner cockpit - you need first to open the cockpit then only when the cockpit is open you can press the autopilot touch and activate the gun (the upper rear gun is not functional so long the rear canopy is not open)
you have better also install the SB_NoseCocpite_fix_ver1 from here (I think this last fix originally comes from Aviaskins but I'm not sure): Skis are fully functional if you choose a winter map (they retract on the 103, are fixed on the 100A). Same air ini as for the 410 version and of course the same need for the bomb packs (Russian and Finnish)
I included the new cockpits of the SB in these mods - the only problem is that the SB2103 has a turret instead of a sliding canopy gun position - and the current 103 turret is rather unconvincing - I will build and upload soon a new turret and corresponding java fix for this version.
This mod is for 4.10 (and now for 4.12 also) and has been tested on SAS modact and DBW 1.7
This package is freeware.
This software may be freely used, copied and distributed with the following restrictions:
1) the present post must be included as a "Readme" text file.
2) DO NOT place these files anywhere that requires a fee for downloading.
3) DO NOT place any of these files in any commercial package or any CD collection without the authors consent.
Theses files should not cause any problems with your computer, but we accept no responsibility if you think it does.
Thanks to Oleg Maddox and Qtim for creating Il2 and opening the gates to Mod creation, to Kumpel for his matrix tool, and thanks to SAS for enabling modders to share their knowledge on Il2 modding.