Strangely enough the versions of the Polikarpov fighters that took part in Talvisota and in the Continuation war have been somehow neglected - so here they are:
1) the I-153 with retractable skis
2) the I-16 type 17 with retractable skis.
A few remarks:
The I-16 type 10 was the first I-16 that could be equipped with retractable skis, but the type 17 was the first designed to be so, with notches under the cowling so that the skis could retract fully under the fuselage and not hamper at all performances.
Type 17 on skis may have been equipped wityh a tail wheel instead of a tail skid - all info on thsi matter would be wellcome.
(I'd like very much to see pictures of the type 10 with retracted ski gear to understand how it looked as it must have protruded somehow on this version)
The fixed skis versions of the I-16 type 5 and type 6 are somehow a puzzle for me - the first one was seen on the prototype and officially not used in operations, but the photos of a Finnish operated type 5 show a fixed gear (wheeled) identical in its structure to this fixed ski gear - and Chinese UTI photos show UTI-4 equipped with such a fixed wheeled gear.
The second one could have been a "take-off skis" configuration with skis helping for take off of the full weighted plane, then being dropped after take off, the aircraft landing on its low pressure tyres. I am still cautious with thsi info and look for confirmation - whoever can help please do so, it would be a very nice mod to do and fly.
Skis could fully retract on the I-153 and keep the beautiful lines of this plane. Was indeed the gear indeed and not manual on the I-153 as it is in this sim?
(The I-15bis with fixed skis gear is already present in the sim, as it was used by the Fins.
I have found no evidence of I-151 - "Chatos" I-15s as seen in Spain - used on skis in operations - only photos of the prototype with a fized skis gear .)I-153 "Talvisota" with retractable skis

Download link
I-153S air.I_153S 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
I-153S I-153 M-62 Skis, 1939
# I-153S
I-153S.default Default
I-153S.4xAO10m2 4xAO10m2
I-153S.2xAO10m2+2xAO25m1 2xAO10m2+2xAO25m1
I-153S.2xAO20m3+2xAO20m4 2xAO20m3+2xAO20m4
I-153S.4xAO25m1bis 4xAO25m1bis
I-153S.4x25m30 4x25m30
I-153S.4x25m30+2x15m30Inc 4x25m30+2x15m30Inc
I-153S.2xAO10m2+2xFAB50SV 2xAO10m2+2xFAB50SV
I-153S.2xAO25m1+2FAB50m2 2xAO25m1+2FAB50m2
I-153S.2x25m30+2x50m30 2x25m30+2x50m30
I-153S.2xFAB50m6+2FAB50m5 2xFAB50m6+2FAB50m5
I-153S.4xFAB50SV 4xFAB50SV
I-153S.4x50m30 4x50m30
I-153S.4x50m37bis 4x50m37bis
I-153S.4x50m38 4x50m38
I-153S.2xFAB50SV 2xFAB50SV
I-153S.2xFAB50m7 2xFAB50m7
I-153S.none Empty
I-16 type 17 "Talvisota" with retractable skis

Download link
I-16type17S air.I_16TYPE17S 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
I-16type17S I-16 Type 17 Skis, 1938
# I-16type17S
I-16type17S.default Default
I-16type17S.2xFAB50SV 2 FAB-100 SV
I-16type17S.2xFAB50m4 2 FAB-50 m4
I-16type17S.2xFAB50m3 2 FAB-50 m3
I-16type17S.2xFAB100SV 2 FAB-100 SV
I-16type17S.2xFAB100SCh 2 FAB-100 SCh
I-16type17S.2xFAB100TsK 2 FAB-100 TsK
I-16type17S.none Empty
These planes need to install the Russian and Finnish bomb packs to fly correctly.
Download links for those who have not yet installed them:
Finnish Bombs Bombs are the versions for 4.12.2 Modact 5.30
I-16 type 17 Skis: Skis:
Additional 3dmeshes, Java files: Dreamk
The I-16 type 17 is based on the Blitz's I-16 SAS cutouts pack's type 17 and the I-153 on the Early Chaikas pack recently uploaded on this forum.
Theses files should not cause any problems with your computer, but we accept no responsibility if you think it does.
Thanks to Oleg Maddox and Qtim for creating Il2 and opening the gates to Mod creation, to Kumpel for his matrix tool, and thanks to SAS for enabling modders to
share their knowledge on Il2 modding.