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Author Topic: What if - Spanish Civil War Hurricane Mk 1... any takers?  (Read 10023 times)

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What if - Spanish Civil War Hurricane Mk 1... any takers?
« on: September 19, 2012, 02:36:12 AM »

What if - Spanish Civil War Hurricane Mk 1... any takers?

I am currently loving all things pre-WW2 and wondered if anyone would like to put together a Republican marked Hurricane. I am working along the following narrative as an alternative timeline of events for the Spanish conflict.

Following the defeat in 1929 general election, Stanley Baldwin was found hanged at his country home. Close friends and aides had said that the pressure of loss contributed to him taking his own life and yet said that the events surrounding his death seemed out of character and possibly even suspicious. The police, despite being under pressure to investigate further had little or no grounds and the coroner pronounced the cause of death as “misadventure”. This event had a far reaching effect on the state of British politics. As such the newly elected Labour government recognised the state of the nation and set about a massive investment plan to stabilise the economy.

Labour held onto power in the subsequent elections. When hostilities began in Spain, the Labour government recognised that the threat posed by the fascist union of Hitler and Mussolini was far greater than that of communism and as such positioned Britain to firmly support the Republicans during the Spanish conflict. This began by overturning the Foreign Enlistment Act of 1870, effectively de-criminalising the act of seeking paid mercenary work as well as offering many unemployed miners the opportunity to earn a non-military wage under the Freedom of Work Act 1937. Critics of the policy claimed this was no more than “blood money” but against a backdrop of increasing unemployed and poverty nearly 10,000 took the offer.

Consequently, Britain took a firm policy of intervention supplying man power, aircraft, tanks, arms and importantly fuel. Sailing from Portsmouth, in March 1937 for the port of Cartagena was the first flotilla of aid, amongst the crates were the first shipment of the latest British fighter, the Hawker Hurricane.

So, would anyone care to indulge me in creating a skin for this? I was thinking something along the lines of standard pre war RAF silver with republican colours:


Then with the added red band across the fuselage and the three coloured bands across the tail –

So we get something like this perhaps?


Anybody fancy bringing my somewhat far-fetched scenario to life please?  ;D  ;D



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Re: What if - Spanish Civil War Hurricane Mk 1... any takers?
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2012, 02:50:13 AM »

i'll take that dbb :) i love early hurris, both real and whiffed!


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Re: What if - Spanish Civil War Hurricane Mk 1... any takers?
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2012, 03:11:57 AM »

Ah! A1 - thank you!! :) I am very, very happy now!  ;D


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Re: What if - Spanish Civil War Hurricane Mk 1... any takers?
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2012, 04:04:31 AM »

well, a SCW hurricane is not a new idea for me, although in a different concept heheeh



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Re: What if - Spanish Civil War Hurricane Mk 1... any takers?
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2012, 04:13:59 AM »

It was YOU who made that beautiful creation?! Bravo!!

 It would be an amazing addition should a modder ever take it on. :) Totally believable as an aircraft concept.

Did anyone ever take this to the mod factory? :)


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Re: What if - Spanish Civil War Hurricane Mk 1... any takers?
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2012, 04:32:48 AM »

heheh thank you :) in reality i didn't officially required this plane (i'm not quite a request guy, expecially on new planes), as i know 3d guys are too much busy with more important project.. so i tried myself but i have not enough time to learn properly 3dSM.. so maybe in the future, or when someone will be enough bored to try hehehe :D



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Re: What if - Spanish Civil War Hurricane Mk 1... any takers?
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2012, 05:29:17 AM »

She is a real beauty. I wonder if the very popular "Golden Age of Aviation" thread might generate some interest in this? I know what you mean about the modders being busy and totally respect that. As you said, maybe in the future... :) The one thing I love about this place is you never know what suprise might come along next!! :)

David Prosser

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Re: What if - Spanish Civil War Hurricane Mk 1... any takers?
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2012, 12:52:11 PM »

Hi, DarkBlueBoy. You're certainly thinking outside the box. I'm sure such a scenario would be fun.




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Re: What if - Spanish Civil War Hurricane Mk 1... any takers?
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2012, 01:37:58 AM »

Hi David,

Thanks for the feedback. I am pretty good at researching a storyline and hanging it together, I just don't have a lot time to dedictate to mission and campaign building sadly. Real life stuff and the like.

My premise with this is that it could lead us into an alternative beginning to WW2 also - had Hitler seen that the RAF could pose him a real threat and that blitzkreig tactics only worked in certain scenarios, how would that have changed his plans? If the Republic had been given better aircraft and more support then this could have made a difference to the length of the war, if not the outcome.

Imagine that with Germany being preoccupied with Spain then surely this would have delayed hostilities against Poland and effectively would have delayed the start of World War 2. And what effect could that have had? Gives us a whole new starting point in history!

But for now, I am looking at how a squadron or two of Britain's finest might have dramatically altered the course of the Spainsh war. With a little help from the kindly Andrea. :)



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Re: What if - Spanish Civil War Hurricane Mk 1... any takers?
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2012, 02:54:11 AM »

Once upon a time I tried to create a "what-if" skin for the "Spanish" MiG-3. The work remained unfinished. If you want, I'll post this old unfinished skin.

And I think that the supply of arms from Britain to Republican Spain were very-very unlikely, almost impossible. Non-intervention committee was created in the UK, remember that.
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Re: What if - Spanish Civil War Hurricane Mk 1... any takers?
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2012, 03:08:16 AM »

Hi Bren, the skin looks great. I would love you to post it!  ;D

Of course when we look at the history book, Britain was so far against the Republic it may was well have been in league with Hitler - so I do agree that this might be unlikely.

However, it is a personal "just for fun" idea. It assumes that the British government significantly changed in 1929. If a Labour government had been in power at the time, then I personally believe it is questionable that the Non-Intervention Pact would have occured. The Labour Party was closer aligned to socialism and would have had far greater sympathies with the Republicans than the serving Tory government.

So I both agree and disagree with you :) As history stands I agree - impossible. Under a different government with key players removed from the equation then - who knows? :)



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Re: What if - Spanish Civil War Hurricane Mk 1... any takers?
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2012, 03:23:49 AM »

Hi Bren, the skin looks great. I would love you to post it!  ;D
Here you go: http://ge.tt/6k0c04O/v/0
Under a different government with key players removed from the equation then - who knows? :)
Yes, of course, if had a different government. Especially since that there were the preconditions for this, I think. Let us remember battle of Cable Street, for example.
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