@ Semor, Thats your opinion, however, i don't believe you are correct in your feelings with respect.
regarding dive limitations, an easy test to do,
player p47, AI a zero behind, start at 10,000m, dive away.
pre 4.11 the zero would stay with you all the way.
in this track you can clearly see it respecting its dive limits and not being able to follow anymore in the dive ( a revelation in the pacific fighting actual being able to use historic tactics and dive away now.....)
https://www.mediafire.com/?ankx3c4r6r11iu1(edit, see you were only querying overheat, oh well, lol.)
Regarding overheat,
I'v observed flying co-ops many times since 4.11 when chasing planes down, that they have to slow down after a while so disagree with you 100% that engine overheat doesn't affect the AI, and with respect to DGEN campaigns, I've just flown 2 missions, on the 2 hottest stock maps, Crimea (25 degrees)and Kuban (24 degrees) using the stock DGEN campaigns to see if i had any problems keeping up, and i didn't at all, one in a 109f4, one in a yak1b.
tracks here,
https://www.mediafire.com/?k103kgfr4w2sx93I am curious to know what particular campaign you are having an issue with to see if i have the same problem.
Other than that, I would suggest if you really feel there is an issue, you would be better off posting it here,
http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=29040than making accusations portrayed as fact, based purely on your feelings, at least then you will get a factual answer, and if there is indeed any issue, then hopefully some resolution.
regards fb.