WOW! 25 monties???!!! Awesome!
"AHEM"...OK, there are a couple more things. While I don't wish to taint my air of mystique aloofness (who am I kidding?) there were some good suggestions lately that alligned with a few others already up for testing.
Potential conflicts, lockups, crashes, sound issues, mission functions and working beacons (which can be very fragile), are all resolved and meshing nicely, with everything showing up where it should be and working as advertised! Very exited with the FMs of the new Hind and Hip. These are excellent Helicopters that fly as they should, an amazing acheivement.
1] Mi-8T Hip by Vega and Wasted
2] Mi-24 Hind by benitomuso (P.A.L) and Wasted
3] Random Failures Mod by Wasted
Big Thanks to SAS~Storebror, GJE52 and Loku
4] La-9_La-11 by 101tfs
5] Supermarine Walrus by
Archie 1971 Class files
diavolirossi crew
mikoyan99 Updates
Mission_bug Default skin
tedeschene 3D
The chief of food supply SCW default option
Wolfighter crew damage
1] A7M2 Reppu by Gerd
2] Ultimate Reciprocaters by Gerd
3] Me-209-II by 101tfs
After install go into your Il2DIRECTORY/#DBW and Disable or Delete this mod.
Now superceded by Ultimate Reciprocaters by Gerd