Some of us are getting a 5% crash while testing pack 1.
We can work around this crash by ignoring the %5 crash
and enabling all the packs up to 10 at which
point, the 5% crash vanishes and the game loads
But, installing this way is contrary to
the admonition to test
after enabling each and every pack.
This is where some of the confusion lay.
And, furthermore it underlines a discrepancy
A) those who can test launch pack 1 successfully
B) those who must enable packs 1-10 before before getting
a successful launch.
Why does this discrepancy between A and B exist?
Things are working for me and its GREAT.
I am still baffled though, why I must enable 1-10
before the 5% crash goes away.
The causes of various types of CTD are well understood and clearly explained here on, which has the best body of knowledge about modding Il2 on the entire internet. The dedicated sections on using mods and trouble-shooting are wonderful resources to visit regularly.
What makes it more complex is the sheer number of files and potential slip ups, as well as possible errors in written entries.
In the case of 'The Full Monty' you may rule out written errors, since these JSGME packs have already been tested on a clean system. What remains are odd incompatibilities that still crop up for some players.
The quickest way to hunt these down is to check your error_log, the text file in your main install generated by a CTD. At the point of the CTD the file that caused the CTD is recorded, giving us a good place to look for the problem.
However, the overwhelming evidence so far is that these packs will run, as built, over a clean DBW 1.71, activated in number order. It would be interesting to read that error_log, personally I suspect that some little mod or part of a mod is lurking in your #DBW folder, which is over-written and fixed by Monty-10.
The point is, 'baffled' is not a great place to be. ??? While it is complex in the number of parts, JSGME or Total Modder is really simple in principle. The tools, and the answers are there.
