Hello Monty , hello guys
I am a little puzzled and I need some advise from you or anybody who's got his Full Monty 18 running.
I was running Full Monty 14 with great pleasure untill I installed the 15-16-17 and 18.
All I got from this last install was a 70% crash.
It kept crashing till I reverted to 14.( 18-17-16 and 15 all ended with 70% crash ).
So , I took a closer look to my different Monty's packs in my Jsgmemod and noticed that MONTY 10 showed only 399Mb instead of 402.
So went on Mediafire and redownloaded MONTY_10 and got the right number this time for this pack in my JSGME mod. All the others were O.K.
So went to disable all the FM packs through JSGME and reinstalled them , taking care of having 11-12 and 13 patched and 14 well merged.
That took a little bit of time and nerves but I was quite convinced that it was the best way to get all that fuss fixed .
No need to tell you all that I nearly got my tower through the window when I got this dreadfull 70% crash again.
I can't tell the reason as although I have
LOG=1 // 0
LOGTIME=1 // 0
// LOGFILE=log.lst
no log file will show in my root directory .
I installed Full Monty " By the book " with the "Clean #DBW".
The 18 packs (with 07B) were enabled through JSGME from 1 to 18 after having enabled
#DBW_MissionPro Combo by PAL.
#DBW_Small_Font_Mod 4 FMB Maps.
#DBW_Ecran Wide for 4.101.
#DBW_Forgotten Countries Full.
I am in a bad mood...everybody is having fun except me... and all you guys who are going to take a little bit of your funtime to help me !

Thanks again to you Monty for this FM, simply gorgeous when working !

Sonny Tucson

Intel I7
Radeon 6970 Lightning 2Gb.
8Gb RAM.
Windows 7-64