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Author Topic: The Full Monty  (Read 329833 times)

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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #420 on: October 31, 2012, 06:57:51 PM »

Well I put a minus sign in front of the DBW then Did a DBW with only the monty packs up it came next I am planning to try the special packs of the AVG and the ace of spades. will let you know on how it goes.


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #421 on: October 31, 2012, 09:14:31 PM »

Well I put a minus sign in front of the DBW then Did a DBW with only the monty packs up it came next I am planning to try the special packs of the AVG and the ace of spades. will let you know on how it goes.
Good, quick efficient way to go. Because they were big uploads to manage and I can't tweak them afterward, so there are a few minor fixes worth looking at too.  Highlighted in RED on the front of post, delete one classfile, delete one folder, perfection, now we can fly...  ;D


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #422 on: October 31, 2012, 09:37:36 PM »

      First a big thank you to everyone who worked on the mods in this pack and Monty for putting it together for our enjoyment. Second, my question. I have a i7 2600k @4.5ghz and a gtx480. Windows 7. With the full monty installed, with gurners fx mod also installed, on "the black death" track I get about 10-15 fps. When I change the resolution from 1920x1080 to something smaller the fps doesnt go up so its not my graphics card holding me back. Does this sound right? Thats a bummer because gurners fx once on, is like crack and I don't want to play without it lol. The link for the 10k file is broken so I have no idea if that would work, but it doesn't seem like I have a "marginal" system. Thank you!


Your rig is almost identical to mine, even the OC ghz, except I have a 580.
Try commenting out 8A318408BB7C513E classfile in gurners effects. Should go from this: 8A318408BB7C513E to this: -8A318408BB7C513E



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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #423 on: October 31, 2012, 10:31:07 PM »

      First a big thank you to everyone who worked on the mods in this pack and Monty for putting it together for our enjoyment. Second, my question. I have a i7 2600k @4.5ghz and a gtx480. Windows 7. With the full monty installed, with gurners fx mod also installed, on "the black death" track I get about 10-15 fps. When I change the resolution from 1920x1080 to something smaller the fps doesnt go up so its not my graphics card holding me back. Does this sound right? Thats a bummer because gurners fx once on, is like crack and I don't want to play without it lol. The link for the 10k file is broken so I have no idea if that would work, but it doesn't seem like I have a "marginal" system. Thank you!


Your rig is almost identical to mine, even the OC ghz, except I have a 580.
Try commenting out 8A318408BB7C513E classfile in gurners effects. Should go from this: 8A318408BB7C513E to this: -8A318408BB7C513E

Awesome rig you have there brother ;). Thank you I have read alot and saw you say that earlier, so I have commented that file, although I changed it to 8A318408BB7C513E.FPS_Killer. The only problem is it seems to me there is much less smoke this way. The way I verified it was to take only dbw 1.71 and use gurners fx, where I get like 70fps on the black death at the beginning. At the end, it shows the il2 flying away from the airfield just bombed, and there is much more smoke in the vanilla 1.71 with stock gurners as opposed to TFM with the modified gurners. I know I am being lame but I have spent like a day trying to figure out how to fix it =D. So far what I have found is the problem pops up in monty 6 in the std folder, if I remove the std folder from monty 6 activated its normal fps. The problem then pops up again sometime between 8 and 12 but i got tired of testing. I still have to start playing ace of spades lol.


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #424 on: October 31, 2012, 11:18:02 PM »

Boils down to the fact that there is a LOT packed in to TFM.
That classfile is the primary distance classfile. As far as I know it has no effect on smoke amount or type-or so said gurner when I asked him.

I removed that classfile and haven't had any issues, but I haven't run TBD for a while. Im going to fire it up right now...
EDIT: Just ran it and it looks fine.
Boils down to this: there is a fundamental conflict between this and something else in TFM. Choice is to run it neutered and get some of the effects, or none at all.


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #425 on: November 01, 2012, 12:19:39 AM »

bloody hell ,, Awsomely huge.. Think i will wait for it all to come out in  DBW 1.8 (I hope)  :D
New Right Arm Amputee, One armed flyer and Longboard surfer, I now swim and paddle in circles .


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #426 on: November 01, 2012, 12:23:15 AM »

bloody hell ,, Awsomely huge.. Think i will wait for it all to come out in  DBW 1.8 (I hope)  :D
Wait?  Fighter pilots don't wait, what is this word wait?  :P

Seriously, use the opportunity, familiarise yourself with the new stuff, be ready.  :)

Sonny Tucson

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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #427 on: November 01, 2012, 09:02:36 AM »

Hello Simon

I do not know what to do or what kind of angel to invoke !
I have a "Full Dispair Monty ".

Whatever I can do , my Full Monty won't go further than Monty_14.
Whatever I can do Monty_15 leads to a 70% crash.
Whatever I can do , can't get a logfile even with this in my conf.ini


LOG=1 // 0
LOGKEEP=0 // 1 or 0 makes no difference for me !

Here follows the detail of my Full Monty install procedure.

1- SAS-Il2 1946_407m to DBW 1.71 SuperPack
2- #DBW from the above replaced by "DBW-MONTY-DBWclean."
3- GME Enabled
    #DBW_MissionPro Combo by PAL
    #DBW_Ecran Wide for 4.101
    #DBW_6dof TrackIR_ClassFiles
    #DBW_Forgotten Countries Full
      through to

I didn't patch #DBW_MONTY-01
I didn't patched the #DBW_MONTY-11-12 and 13 as I had no difficulties with them running my game.
I must admit that I do not quite understand your explanations about these MONTY-11-12 and 13 retro patches. ( I am sorry but English is not my mothertongue and some of Shakespeare subtilities may just flyby my head ! ;))

Pease could you help me getting a logfile cause without that I understand that my successive crashes may be difficult to be investigated on .

What do you think of the way I proceeded for my install?

I'll wait for your advise before going any further .

Thanks a lot for your support.
Sonny Tucson. :)

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
             Memory: 8192MB RAM
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             DirectX Version: DirectX 11
Card name: AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series (6970 Lightning MSI)
             Display Memory: 1762 MB
             Dedicated Memory: 2030 MB
             Shared Memory: 3827 MB
             Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (120Hz)
Monitor Name: Moniteur Plug-and-Play générique
             Monitor Model: S27A950D
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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #428 on: November 01, 2012, 09:54:33 AM »

Dear Sonny,

It's very difficult to diagnose you without your log but at least you can try and rem (put minus "-" in the beginning of mod folders) pack 15 mods one by one until you find what causes the crash. Just rem the mod folder, start the game, see how it goes. If it still crashes - go back and remove the minus, then put it in the beginning of another folder. Thus you can track the wrong folder.
Hopefully this works although I would rely on the log file first and maybe finding out where the log is will help you avoid this awkward procedure. BTW, what's your mothertongue?


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #429 on: November 01, 2012, 10:12:55 AM »

It worked great with the campaigns made for the monty packs. And yes it did give my rig a workout.
Twin 3rd gen. I7 chips 100 gig ram 3ter. HD 55" flat screen tv keep up the good work.
My cooling system is cryo it generates a lot of heat.

Sonny Tucson

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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #430 on: November 01, 2012, 11:01:53 AM »

Dear Sonny,

It's very difficult to diagnose you without your log but at least you can try and rem (put minus "-" in the beginning of mod folders) pack 15 mods one by one until you find what causes the crash. Just rem the mod folder, start the game, see how it goes. If it still crashes - go back and remove the minus, then put it in the beginning of another folder. Thus you can track the wrong folder.
Hopefully this works although I would rely on the log file first and maybe finding out where the log is will help you avoid this awkward procedure. BTW, what's your mothertongue?

Hi Sirrover.

Welcome back to the Helpdesk ! and thanks for taking care of my problems !
Normally my Logfile should appear in my Full Monty root directory , shouldn't it ?

So , if I got it right you instruct me to enable Monty-15 Pack through GME and then to rem each mod (one by one ) from that -15 Pack that are listed in my Full Monty ROOT/#DBW folder , and that untill my game start .

I already began this method but I stopped thinking that my problems were related to Pack 01-11-12-13 not having been patched .

As far as the Logfile is concerned I also tried PAL Instant logfile but with no result.

Now , for my mothertongue . Try to imagine what kind of a mothertongue a guy living in a little North central European country alongside the North Sea could speak ( without taking into account that in this country we are used to speak three different official languages)

I'll keep you posted . Back to MONTY install. :)

Sonny  :D

Sonny Tucson

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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #431 on: November 01, 2012, 01:16:34 PM »

Hi Sirrover.

Just gave up , no way to make this game starts when MONTY_15 is enabled.
Remmed mod by mod in the ROOT/#DBW trying to start the game between each rem but only  got successive 70% crash.

Still no log although I have installed Mike's INSTANT LOG and edit my conf.ini [console]accordingly.

Can you tell me if I have to rem also inside the ROOT/#DBW/STD folder.?


Sonny  :(
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