Hi Sirrover , Monty and AG-51
I finally got my packs 15-16-17 and 18 installed and running at 03.30AM .
Something very weird has happened.
As you know my game was running fine till enabling PACK 15.
The problem arised when enabling Pack 15. I always got a 70% crash. Not having a logfile I couldn't spot the problem. Whatever I could do ( redownload the pack 15 etc etc... ) the crash was still there. All this time I didn't have a look at my root directory but well in my ROOT/#DBW directory to check all the mods installing themselves.
The problem was that my GME ( for a reason that I still ignore ) had placed #DBW_MONTY-14 in my root directory without transferring his content in my ROOT/#DBW folder and without inducing a 70% crash at the game start !.Moreover in my GME #DBW_MONTY-14 was well on the right side (enabled).I suppose that the game was in fact running the DBW_MONTY-13 !
As soon as I noticed that I took the content of #DBW_MONTY-14 and put it in my ROOT/#DBW folder allowing overwriting. The sole folder that I left in my root DBW_MONTY-14 was the "documentation" cause I didn't know where to put it !.
Then I enabled MONTY-15 and my game finally started !-
After that I proceeded to PACKS 16-17 and 18 checking if GME had not placed these packs again in my Root folder.
I had no problem with these installs.
My game is now running.
In my excitement I forgot to disable PAL COCKPIT SOUNDS from Pack 17 !
In my GME on the Enable list , MONTY 14 is still in black ( not greyed ).
Maybe because of the documentation that was left in the pack 14 folder ?
Thanks for your help.
I still do not know how such a thing could have happened !.