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Author Topic: The Full Monty  (Read 329833 times)

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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #444 on: November 02, 2012, 01:24:54 PM »

Hi Gerson, what if I want to switch to UP? Won't there be any trouble with extra files in my root? I'm asking simply because I don't really know the answer. Thank you


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #445 on: November 02, 2012, 01:26:25 PM »

Yes, I use Total Modder now for Full Monty and as noted, all content across all TFM packs which is not in "#DBW" folder must be packaged separately in its own jsgme folder, and activated via GME.  Thus as noted, you activate one pack in JSGME (I call mine "MONTY ROOT" which contains all stuff outside "#DBW" across all the Monty packs - I simply navigated though each monty pack and cut out all non #DBW content and pasted it into my MONTY ROOT pack), and then once that pack is active in JSGME, I load up Total Modder and activate my TFM profile.  NOTE, in your TFM packs all the content outside #DBW directory should also be deleted from all TFM packs (you have that stuff in MONTY ROOT and activated via JSGME).  Thus, your TFM packs would only contain "#DBW" and "documentation" folders.

As a refresher here is the post with screen shot of my setup using the GME/TM combo to load TFM quickly and efficiently.

There are some other tweaks like creating the separate "MONTY INIS" folder which contains the ini files per highest pack numbers (rather than storing iterative duplicates within each progressive pack), but this is for more experienced config tweakers who want to tidy up the set (sounds though like there are a lot of tweakers using TFM!).

Note, a key reason I use TM is of course speed in ability to switch from say UP3 to DBW TFM, or better..., from DBW 1916 to TFM (literally less than 2 minutes).  I can fly a few of Monty's excellent WWI DBW 1916 campaign missions, and then easily switch the same code base over to TFM to fly with AVG in Burma all within the same hour, spending much more time in the virtual skies as compared to watching "paint dry" (2.5hrs+ on my rig when I used to switch using GME) as TFM loaded traditionally in JSGME.


PS:  one additional tip:  If you use TrackIR for 6DOF, and switch between say 1916 or UP, etc... in GME, and TFM in TM, be sure to reset the Total Modder Executable Selector by opening the dialog and saving.  I have found that when I run say, 1916 via GME using the SAS selector, and then decide to go visit TFM via Total Modder, I have to reset the TM Selector to get 6DOF to work.  Not a big deal, just one step to do if you get into TFM via TM and find that 6DOF is not working (of course also sure Shift-F1 is not set).



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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #446 on: November 02, 2012, 06:36:28 PM »

Thanks Wind, the next step, noted - and its all down to what you started!  :P


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #447 on: November 02, 2012, 07:31:47 PM »

When I put the minus sign in front of the dbw and installed the clean dbw with the packs in the dbw I can still switch between the dbw and 1916 not using the tbf. In other words got a complete install that is with the monty packs alone and another with the dbw. having fun.


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #448 on: November 02, 2012, 11:09:04 PM »

Forgive this question, but is UP3.0 installed before the Full Monty?  Why don't I see those mods in the pictures of TFM in the pdf install instructions?

Does that present conflicts?  If it is not there, how do you get DBW 1.71 started?

Just asking, and always grateful.  I am wondering if that is an issue creator for some of us.


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #449 on: November 02, 2012, 11:57:19 PM »

From the hier file of the beaufighter pilot mod packed into 7b of your mod



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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #450 on: November 03, 2012, 12:12:37 AM »

From the hier file of the beaufighter pilot mod packed into 7b of your mod

there's a lot to organise here, I thought giving credit would be enough and send out a LOT of pms during the process too.  I'm sorry we haven't managed to speak yet, you want I should take them down, or will you forgive my oversight on this occasion?



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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #451 on: November 03, 2012, 12:28:30 AM »

Probably best to just remove it and post a link to the Better Pilots thread.

In that way the end user will be able to add the newest and best, as barnsey is pumping these guys out at fairly regular intervals. No need to make a new TFM download for every update ya dig?


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #452 on: November 03, 2012, 12:36:59 AM »

No need to pre-empt his answer, they are out there now, we need to clarify what barnsey12 wants me to do now.

Happy to say that barnsey12 and I have had a talk and he has agreed to help us keep the very latest and best versions of his Better Pilots Mod up to date for all the users of TFM. - which means that an update will be on the way soon.  Thanks again barnsey12.


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #453 on: November 03, 2012, 10:16:34 AM »

Greetings all! I don't know if I'm the only one or not (I haven't seen mention of it in this somewhat lengthy thread) that is having some issues with sound after the installation of the Monty Packs. I am full Monty'd through pack 18 and overall the game runs beautifully (thank you Monty and all the creators of the mods!!). What I am experiencing is a lack of external engine sound of certain AI controlled aircraft. The ones I've noticed this on thus far are the Fieseler Storch, B25, I-16 and I-153. Also there are not any flyby sounds from any aircraft (using the F3 key) and no whistling sound of falling bombs at the target. Interestingly enough, I loaded the Storch and B25 in QMB and took them for a quick flight. When they are human controlled, i.e., by me, I could hear the external engine sounds (using the F2 key). I haven't had time to try this with the aforementioned Soviet aircraft yet, but assume it will be the same.

Earlier in this thread I had posted about some of these sound issues (It was only about the flyby and the I-153) and a fellow directed me to a discussion over at Axis and Allies forum in which a poster had suggested downloading the latest video drivers for the, in my case, Nvidia card and settings to use. Last night I installed the latest Nvidia drivers and used all the settings he laid out in that post. While I do believe the new drivers did improve the video quality of the sim slightly, there was no change in the sound issues that I have mentioned.

As an addendum, I have also noticed that on the AI controlled Ju-87B the rear gunner is missing his head. This is probably already being addressed but I thought I would mention it. I used JSGME to install the packs.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I deleted the Pal Cockpitsounds as per the instructions on the first page of this thread.

So, does anyone have any suggestions on how to get those external engine sounds working?



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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #454 on: November 03, 2012, 12:28:08 PM »

I thought I would post his here too

ok so I did some trouble shooting with Gurners and TFM. What I found Is Gurners works fine with the 30k mod with monty 1-5, then as soon as you activate monty 6 the low fps problem arises.

You can again gain fps back by commenting out air.ini in the std folder in monty 6.

You can then add monty 7-9 and keep high fps. Monty 10 reintroduces the fps problem. Again commenting out air.ini in monty 10 brings back the fps.

Then Monty 11 gets mounted and the problem is back, however commenting out air.ini didnt help. I then took every mod out and started adding them into monty 11. I was able to get to the typhoons and tempests folder before the problem popped back up. Hopefully that will help someone as I am out of time for this evening


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #455 on: November 03, 2012, 04:31:20 PM »

Hello Monty.

I was afraid by all the posts about installing your mods pack but it was really simple !
I have made  a special Monty  copy of DBW and I have put into it (#DBW folder and root folder.) all your packs in order without the help of JSGME and all work find ! Thank's a lot Monty you are the best !

Just two thinks :
-the Typhoons are in the list in QMB but they don't appears in advanced configuration and it's impossible for me to fly them.
-The spits XII and XIV have no engine sound...
If someone have a solution for this I would be very happy !

Best regards, Thierry.
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