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Author Topic: The Full Monty  (Read 331253 times)

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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #288 on: October 17, 2012, 02:28:44 AM »

When can we expect a new package monty-14 and what you plan insert in him.
I ask because in this moment when i try add new planes like IK-3 or VG-33 and others that don't there are in existing add-ons, I have error in 60%
Some of this like CR-714 works correctly.

Maybe I doing some mistake when I put them in game folder


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #289 on: October 17, 2012, 06:18:16 AM »

When can we expect a new package monty-14 and what you plan insert in him.
I ask because in this moment when i try add new planes like IK-3 or VG-33 and others that don't there are in existing add-ons, I have error in 60%
Some of this like CR-714 works correctly.

Maybe I doing some mistake when I put them in game folder
It won't be long now, some updates and fixes and more addons.  Can you include the link when you post a request?  It would make it a bit quicker and easier to check them out.

Also: I know we are all mad plane collectors and the modders who create them are brilliant poeple.  However, NO single install could encompass every aircraft. 

I am more focussed on better campaigns for the period of WWII up to Korea and perhaps a little further on.  The enhancement of campaigns and missions, new objects and functions.  I would love to have every odd plane that everyone comes up with, but would really tend to keep a lookout for some more key aircraft, a Whirlwind, a Helldiver, a Short Stirling perhaps?  If we are not careful we shall clutter up the hangar and lose cohesion.  Now, if you wrote a campaign for it...

Many players have a several different sets and installs for particular niches, we have managed to cram a lot into this one though!


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #290 on: October 17, 2012, 07:58:49 AM »

Some of us are getting a 5% crash while testing pack 1.
We can work around this crash by ignoring the %5 crash
and enabling all the packs up to 10 at which
point, the 5% crash vanishes and the game loads

But, installing this way is contrary to
the admonition to test
after enabling each and every pack.

This is where some of the confusion lay.
And, furthermore it underlines a discrepancy

A) those who can test launch pack 1 successfully


B) those who must enable packs 1-10 before before getting
a successful launch.

Why does this discrepancy between A and B exist?

Things are working for me and its GREAT.

I am still baffled though, why I must enable 1-10
before the 5% crash goes away.

The causes of various types of CTD are well understood and clearly explained here on SAS1946.com, which has the best body of knowledge about modding Il2 on the entire internet.  The dedicated sections on using mods and trouble-shooting are wonderful resources to visit regularly.

What makes it more complex is the sheer number of files and potential slip ups, as well as possible errors in written entries.

In the case of 'The Full Monty' you may rule out written errors, since these JSGME packs have already been tested on a clean system.  What remains are odd incompatibilities that still crop up for some players.

The quickest way to hunt these down is to check your error_log, the text file in your main install generated by a CTD.  At the point of the CTD the file that caused the CTD is recorded, giving us a good place to look for the problem.

However, the overwhelming evidence so far is that these packs will run, as built, over a clean DBW 1.71, activated in number order.  It would be interesting to read that error_log, personally I suspect that some little mod or part of a mod is lurking in your #DBW folder, which is over-written and fixed by Monty-10.

The point is, 'baffled' is not a great place to be.  ???  While it is complex in the number of parts, JSGME or Total Modder is really simple in principle.  The tools, and the answers are there.  :)



I suspect the reason that some people are seeing issues with the first pack (#DBW_MONTY-01) is that it contains a change in the ".rc" files that requires the tigersounds_1.sfs and  tigersounds_2.sfs be loaded.

The ".rc" file included with the #DBW_MONTY-01 pack appears to add the following lines to the .rc file included in the clean DBW 1.71 install:


@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay02.sfs

@sfs MOUNT tigersounds_1.sfs
@sfs MOUNT tigersounds_2.sfs


However, since the tigersounds_1.sfs and tigersounds_2.sfs do not appear to be not part of a clean DBW 1.71 install, getting an error at the 5% load point would be expected.

I noted that #DBW_MONTY-10  contains those "missing" tigersounds_1.sfs and tigersounds_2.sfs, so it doesn't seem surprising that loading packs 1 through 10 would solve the 5% crash issue.

Stan (RadicalFizzbin)



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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #291 on: October 17, 2012, 08:08:03 AM »

Also: I know we are all mad plane collectors and the modders who create them are brilliant poeple.  However, NO single install could encompass every aircraft. 

I know that feeling, realy, realy well, when you look in your list of airplanes, and your mind tell to you that enough... Ok it's fine to me.

But you see new baby and he says to you: install me, please, I'm pretty and I excellent fly

It's like madman dream ???

I realy suspect that everyone of our band has that same freak :P


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The Full Monty ! ! !
« Reply #292 on: October 17, 2012, 11:12:52 AM »

                    Bonjour à toute l'équipe,

    - Pouvez-vous m'indiquer la méthode de téléchargement des 13 parties avec les 13 uTorrents, SVP  ?  (J'y suis depuis 17h !)



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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #293 on: October 17, 2012, 12:51:23 PM »

Please use at least translator

not everyone knows the French


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #294 on: October 17, 2012, 05:30:02 PM »

whoever is putting these up on mediafire as an alternative download source - THANK YOU!  8)
Hello lam,

Haven't seen you for a while mate, and you're welcome.  ;)  The initial torrents are on Mediafire, and there are more of us seeding them now too, so it works pretty well.


Hello Monty27,
Thank YOU!
Yes, I've been trying to balance out life with family and work  ;)
Alas, where i am, I can't use torrents  :-[, so will depend on mediafire full downloads (that speedyshare place says "This file can only be downloaded with SpeedyShare Premium."), but no worries mate, I'm already so darn grateful for all the other stuff that I can get!

edit: oh hang on...just saw on page 2 of this forum that others could download this by clicking the top link...

edit2: hmmm...clicking the top link itself doesn't download it, only seems to reload the page...oh well...


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #295 on: October 18, 2012, 12:47:41 AM »

Some of us are getting a 5% crash while testing pack 1.
We can work around this crash by ignoring the %5 crash
and enabling all the packs up to 10 at which
point, the 5% crash vanishes and the game loads

But, installing this way is contrary to
the admonition to test
after enabling each and every pack.

This is where some of the confusion lay.
And, furthermore it underlines a discrepancy

A) those who can test launch pack 1 successfully


B) those who must enable packs 1-10 before before getting
a successful launch.

Why does this discrepancy between A and B exist?

Things are working for me and its GREAT.

I am still baffled though, why I must enable 1-10
before the 5% crash goes away.

The causes of various types of CTD are well understood and clearly explained here on SAS1946.com, which has the best body of knowledge about modding Il2 on the entire internet.  The dedicated sections on using mods and trouble-shooting are wonderful resources to visit regularly.

What makes it more complex is the sheer number of files and potential slip ups, as well as possible errors in written entries.

In the case of 'The Full Monty' you may rule out written errors, since these JSGME packs have already been tested on a clean system.  What remains are odd incompatibilities that still crop up for some players.

The quickest way to hunt these down is to check your error_log, the text file in your main install generated by a CTD.  At the point of the CTD the file that caused the CTD is recorded, giving us a good place to look for the problem.

However, the overwhelming evidence so far is that these packs will run, as built, over a clean DBW 1.71, activated in number order.  It would be interesting to read that error_log, personally I suspect that some little mod or part of a mod is lurking in your #DBW folder, which is over-written and fixed by Monty-10.

The point is, 'baffled' is not a great place to be.  ???  While it is complex in the number of parts, JSGME or Total Modder is really simple in principle.  The tools, and the answers are there.  :)



I suspect the reason that some people are seeing issues with the first pack (#DBW_MONTY-01) is that it contains a change in the ".rc" files that requires the tigersounds_1.sfs and  tigersounds_2.sfs be loaded.

The ".rc" file included with the #DBW_MONTY-01 pack appears to add the following lines to the .rc file included in the clean DBW 1.71 install:


@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb410_clay02.sfs

@sfs MOUNT tigersounds_1.sfs
@sfs MOUNT tigersounds_2.sfs


However, since the tigersounds_1.sfs and tigersounds_2.sfs do not appear to be not part of a clean DBW 1.71 install, getting an error at the 5% load point would be expected.

I noted that #DBW_MONTY-10  contains those "missing" tigersounds_1.sfs and tigersounds_2.sfs, so it doesn't seem surprising that loading packs 1 through 10 would solve the 5% crash issue.

Stan (RadicalFizzbin)
Thanks Stan,

Yes that is correct - will alter the .RC file for Monty-01 in future uploads.

#DBW_MONTY-01 - PATCH.rar    
DOWNLOAD -              https://www.mediafire.com/?trcf57ckf0p86tj
The is to replace the .RC file in Monty-01 so that it will work without Tiger33 Sounds.  the Sounds are added, and the .RC file altered accordingly, in Monty-10.

We are soon going to see the Monty-Packs hosted as complete Single Parts, on new links with no premium account restrictions.  When these links go the few patches and fixes will also be added to the single downloads.



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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #296 on: October 18, 2012, 01:27:29 AM »

I am seeing these graphic glitches among the crewmen of the B-17e, B-17f and B-17g models

They appear fine while testing pack 10

When I enable pack 11 and test
that is when some of the crew morph into strange looking figures.
(And I made sure to include the hotfix for pack 11 before enabling it)

Anyone else seeing it in their install?



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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #297 on: October 18, 2012, 05:02:43 PM »

Yeah I noticed this and don't have an answer yet, sure a fix will come up eventually.

Meanwhile its easy to resolve by disabling the effected folders...

#DBW/_0-Better pilots-v1/3do/Plane/ - disable folders beginning with B-17

-B-17E(USA) etc

We will keep an eye on this one - Better Pilots, a wonderful effort from barnesy12 https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,25209.0.html is still very much a work in progress.  It is a tremendously large project that does not as yet fix every plane.  For this reason, the Better Pilots mod is on its own in Monty-07. 

Monty-07 may also be easily disabled or re-enabled without effecting the rest of the TFM install.  This is why, in JSGME, the lettering for Monty-07 remains black and not greyed out, as it is not effected by the other packs.  Therefore you may de-install this pack and the Better Pilots mod for the time being until we have a more comprehensive application of it. 

I imagine with a little more work and time it will be either replaced or patched, I just didn't notice the B-17 pilots until way too late.  barnesy12 already has a fix for the JU52 pilots and I recommend people go and take a look at the thread and see how its going.

You can always rem-out particular folders as shown above (there are only a couple of aircraft that didn't work well I think), or just take it out, your choice.


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #298 on: October 18, 2012, 08:31:00 PM »

Hi, im running this great mod compilation, and im a bit new with this. How can i know if the mods are working??

I mean, for example i saw that there is now a yamato battleship in the mods but in game i try to find it in the view object and i cant see it. Tried with other ships like ARA comandante rivadavia or something like that (i search for ships because they are few) and i dont see them in game. Dont know if i activated the mods properly...


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #299 on: October 18, 2012, 11:23:55 PM »

Hi, im running this great mod compilation, and im a bit new with this. How can i know if the mods are working??

I mean, for example i saw that there is now a yamato battleship in the mods but in game i try to find it in the view object and i cant see it. Tried with other ships like ARA comandante rivadavia or something like that (i search for ships because they are few) and i dont see them in game. Dont know if i activated the mods properly...
First off, if they are all in the Right-Hand window of JSGME and you launched OK, then they are in there.  You will encounter new objects and missions most commonly with new and imaginatively written campaigns that feature these items.  You can go into FMB and take a look for yourself.  The Yamoto, for example, a beautiful new ship model by Diving_Hawk (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21754.0.html) may be found under 'ships' and 'stationary ships' from the object menu in FMB.  Take a look at the size of your #DBW folder, well over 12GB now.

Ships in DBW + TFM are no longer 'few', they are 'plentiful', 'many' a great deal indeed!

If you are referring to 'View Object' in the main menu, well that's a bit of frippery from the old original game.  It is of little use in the modded game and will only show up the original objects.

Why not open up FMB and get to the real beating heart of this simulation?  The toybox in there is now full to bursting...
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