Hi sirrover
I just removed the cockpit sounds from Monty pack 17 and now everything is working perfectly.
For sure there is a compatibility issue between cockpit sounds and radio beacons.
Untill this problem is fixed, the best solution is to remove cockpit sounds from the Monty pack 17.
All the best
Thanks Gerson and Sirrover - a good find.
The issue with 00_PAL-CockpitSounds is LOAD ORDER - To work with TFM you need to firstly make sure that you have activated the #DBW_AIMod.
Users should also go into #DBW_MONTY-17/#DBW/ and RENAME '00_PAL-CockpitSounds' to 'VTD PAL-CockpitSounds'
and if already activated: Il2 Main Install/#DBW/ and RENAME '00_PAL-CockpitSounds' to 'VTD PAL-CockpitSounds'
Do NOT rename the AI Mod or you will break the Steam Cats, Definitely rename 00_PAL-CockpitSounds to load last.
Of course this also means that if you disable the DBW-AI mod, because of some early carrier ops for example (Midway campaign is coming), then you must also remember to disable VTD PAL-CockpitSounds, and vice versa. - Posted on the front now too.
Thanks again, jeez, you learn something every day! I love the Cockpit sounds mod (Thanks Pablo) and now I have my beacon sounds too!
Hello everybody , Hello Monty
"To work with TFM you need to firstly make sure that you have activated the #DBW_AIMod."
I thought that #DBW_AIMod was already part of DBW 1.71 ... 
Am I wrong , and if yes why isn't it in the "Clean #DBW " ?
I think this all is driving me completely nuts !
No way with Logkeep=1.
My game keeps on crashing at 70% after Monty 13.
I decided to restart from crash , may God gives me the patience ! 
Thanks a lot to all of you .
Sonny Tucson 
OK, to be clearer - we were talking about the cockpit sounds mods. For '00_PAL-CockpitSounds' to work with TFM you need to firstly make sure that you have activated the #DBW_AIMod.
#DBW_AIMod is ONE of the JSGME OPTIONS with DBW, which means you can switch it ON of OFF. So if you want the Cockpit sounds mod to work properly make sure it is ON (this info is all on Pablo's thread BTW).
Otherwise, there is a CLEAN #DBW folder at the front of this thread. Rename your old one with a - sign to disable it, (This is called a 'rem') and replace with the CLEAN #DBW, you are back to a fresh install in about 30 seconds! As Bravo suggested, one quick way is just to copy the contents of the packs to this new #DBW, its done, real quick. You always have a backup #DBW folder online here, so nothing is messed with or irretrievably lost, almost everything goes into #DBW, in a specific order, except for four sfs files, and they do not have the power to load and change anything unless they are told to by the RC file, also in the #DBW folder.
People have found genuine conflicts and things broken in the downloads, and one mistake (RC file), which was all at the early stages and have been tidied up. Anyone having bigger problems at this stage is probably messing up the file structure or not starting with a clean #DBW. - Not a criticism, just trying to point to solutions, or at least where to look...