I found a solution... :
The problem comes from some modded meshes added in 2 mods in TFM (3 in my TFM install) :
#DBW_MONTY-11 Fixed cowling engine & props
#DBW_MONTY-16 WildCat_fix Cowling Engines & prop
I think the one in the 16 is an updated release of the same in the 11, mod "Fix engines cowlings and prop´s " by PA_Jeronimo :
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,25142.0.htmlIf like me you have installed in -Ultra Suond Tiger 33 UV3- the modded 3do folder included in "The one-stop solution 3do folder (use to replace Tiger33 UV3 3do folder)" from crazyflak :
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=30047.5it also adds meshes for the Wildcat F4F-4.
In all 3 mods, delete the following files in \3do\plane\F4F-4(Multi1) and F4F-4(USA) :
I guess these are meshes for the wings damage...if someone knows please correct me.
First of all I would like to thank PAL for the Total Modder because without it installing and reinstalling TFM to find the conflict mesh would be impossible, at least to me.
And of course all of you IL-2 freaks who still work on this sim and resurrected my passion.
I think I could post a new thread with this solution so others can try it and if it really works on other TFM install share it...
I'm asking moderators if I can post it as a new thread (I don't want to double...)
Sorry for my broken English,