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Author Topic: The Full Monty  (Read 329845 times)

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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #1092 on: June 09, 2013, 01:46:44 PM »

Cheers Bravo - your post on direct loading, was crucial to putting me on the right track to getting game loaded - thanks  ;)


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #1093 on: June 09, 2013, 03:35:06 PM »

Also jsgme keeps freezing while enabling, I can't get past MONTY-03

I do not use jsmge

It's not frozen, it takes forever to load it via jsgme.............. turn off your anti-virus if yer gonna go the jsgme route.  I used to just build a vanilla #DBW folder and just load one on top of the other via copy and paste, start it up each time to make sure it worked and then made a copy of it right then and there after each install.  That way you can go back and just copy and paste the last one that worked if you can't figure out why it wont start. 




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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #1094 on: June 09, 2013, 06:20:44 PM »

The original PDF is still available.  I wonder how many take the time to actually read it?  On the workings of JSGME, the TFM file structure, its all there.  Why not get informed first?  8)

DOWNLOAD -  TFM pdf   https://www.mediafire.com/view/?9mby8vbwyybjf7s


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #1095 on: June 09, 2013, 07:20:02 PM »

Hello Simon!

as you have released several more packs over the last few days, I would like to present a suggestion that might be quite useful to some who use TFM;

could you maybe include the mod that alters the fonts and makes menus (the plane select menu especially) readable better?
also the modded QMB was not included originally (as it seems-at least not in my installation) and is far more useful than the original QMB IMHO;
oh, and there is a new version of the ME-410 pack that you could include as well :)

btw, where can one find Red_Fox90´s overhauled Mustangs?


EDIT: found the Mustang overhaul and also the QMB Pro version; silly me forgot to look into the JSGME folder of the original DBW install :D


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #1096 on: June 10, 2013, 02:12:15 AM »

Need a little help with the fix for Tiger's sound mod. 

It seems so simple... I put a ! at the front of the Tiger mod folder name, done.  I put a # at the front of the SAS engine mod folder name, done. And I get the flyby sounds back!  But I also get il2fb.exe has stopped working c2d errors.  This happens every time during the ME-262 vs. YP80 track at exactly the 1:29 mark.  It happens every time during the N1K1 vs. Beaufighter track at exactly 0:56.  It happens at seemingly random times while I'm actually flying. 

I can put the folders back in their original order and everything works fine, I just don't get the flybys.  But... but... FLYBY SOUNDS!! They're so delicious in my ears!  We wants them...  I haven't yet tried simply disabling the SAS engine mod, that's next on my list of things to try.  Just thought I'd take the time to post this and see if anybody else can reproduce this error or if I just borked something during install. 

Thanks for all you guys do!

*Edit* Disabling SAS engine mod causes c2d as soon as mission or track loads.  Hmmm.  :'(


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #1097 on: June 10, 2013, 09:08:33 PM »

Need a little help with the fix for Tiger's sound mod. 

It seems so simple... I put a ! at the front of the Tiger mod folder name, done.  I put a # at the front of the SAS engine mod folder name, done. And I get the flyby sounds back!  But I also get il2fb.exe has stopped working c2d errors.  This happens every time during the ME-262 vs. YP80 track at exactly the 1:29 mark.  It happens every time during the N1K1 vs. Beaufighter track at exactly 0:56.  It happens at seemingly random times while I'm actually flying. 

I can put the folders back in their original order and everything works fine, I just don't get the flybys.  But... but... FLYBY SOUNDS!! They're so delicious in my ears!  We wants them...  I haven't yet tried simply disabling the SAS engine mod, that's next on my list of things to try.  Just thought I'd take the time to post this and see if anybody else can reproduce this error or if I just borked something during install. 

Thanks for all you guys do!

*Edit* Disabling SAS engine mod causes c2d as soon as mission or track loads.  Hmmm.  :'(
It sounds like your rig is struggling at this stage, either due to hardware or settings.  If your hardware is up to the job, ie; reasonable Graphics card, Quad core processor and minimum 4Gb RAM, then you are more likely to achieve stability tweaking your settings, such as conf.INI and your graphics card.  There is loads of stuff out there on these subjects, just back-up your originals before messing with them.

Disabling individual mods, especially the Engine mod (which is integral at this stage), is not a good idea.  The first thing I would try is to 'roll back' your TFM to Monty-25 or earlier and test for stability at that point.  Also, how much RAM is set on your selector? 512 is usually enough, do you have it set higher than that?


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #1098 on: June 11, 2013, 12:12:26 AM »

kpn.kardif      this is ME-262  vs  YP-80,  I didnt experience any problems in my TFM.   So I think you got problems in your install.
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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #1099 on: June 11, 2013, 12:50:56 AM »

Thanks Monty, and Bravo.  I don't think it's my rig, 12gb ddr2 1600, AMD Phenom II quad 3.6ghz, Radeon HD7870, Win764.  I have my RAM setting in the selector at 512, and have had it that way pretty much since the beginning.  I have experimented with higher values, but it always ended up with crashes so 512 is where I stay. 

I tried changing some of the sound settings, seeing as how it seems to be a sound mod problem, but this didn't result in anything.  I'll try rolling back a few monty packs and see if I can come up with any results.  It seems to work fine on other systems, so I must have messed something up somehow.  I thought it had to have been something with the load order, seeing as how it works the original way, and not after changing the file names to have them load differently.  I'm not sure it's of any consequence, but I noticed that at the point where both of the mentioned tracks crash, there is an 'enemy aircraft destroyed' message, followed by the requisite "good job!" from the squadron leader.  I don't know if this means anything or not... I could also post log files if push comes to shove.


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #1100 on: June 11, 2013, 12:58:44 AM »

Thanks Monty, and Bravo.  I don't think it's my rig, 12gb ddr2 1600, AMD Phenom II quad 3.6ghz, Radeon HD7870, Win764.  I have my RAM setting in the selector at 512, and have had it that way pretty much since the beginning.  I have experimented with higher values, but it always ended up with crashes so 512 is where I stay. 

I tried changing some of the sound settings, seeing as how it seems to be a sound mod problem, but this didn't result in anything.  I'll try rolling back a few monty packs and see if I can come up with any results.  It seems to work fine on other systems, so I must have messed something up somehow.  I thought it had to have been something with the load order, seeing as how it works the original way, and not after changing the file names to have them load differently.  I'm not sure it's of any consequence, but I noticed that at the point where both of the mentioned tracks crash, there is an 'enemy aircraft destroyed' message, followed by the requisite "good job!" from the squadron leader.  I don't know if this means anything or not... I could also post log files if push comes to shove.
I do have a 'hunch' that its sound related and that Tiger33s sounds may, in your case, be the culprit.  To disable Tiger33 sounds you need to REM them out of the .RC file inside STD and stick a '-' on the folder name in #DBW.  I think this would be a worthwhile test for you to carry out, see if that makes it stable again for you...


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #1101 on: June 11, 2013, 02:24:27 AM »

Everything runs stable when I have all Monty packs enabled before I do the folder name switch with Tiger's and SASengines.  This gives me all of Tiger's wonderful sounds except the flybys, which instead sound like SASengine/DBW stock.  It also runs stable when I do the fix you suggested, Monty, only I don't get any of Tiger's sounds at all.

Rolling back Monty packs will be problematic, as I got fed up with waiting for jsgme and used the direct install method instead.  I took my time and tested after each pack too, and was rather excited when I got to pack 27 and tested with no problems.  Then I applied the Tiger mod sound fix and I get crashes  >:(  For rolling back, I tried removing all of the mod folders in Monty 27 from #DBW except the STD folder, which I left and then overwrote with the STD folder from Monty 26.  This resulted in a crash at 70%.  I put everything back and all is well, and I'm a little hesitant to mess with it further on my own.   

As it is now, I have a fully functional TFM install with only Tiger's flyby sounds not working.  I can live with it, but I would LOOOOVE a way to figure out what's going on and get those awesome sounds back.   


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #1102 on: June 11, 2013, 03:23:53 AM »

Everything runs stable when I have all Monty packs enabled before I do the folder name switch with Tiger's and SASengines.  This gives me all of Tiger's wonderful sounds except the flybys, which instead sound like SASengine/DBW stock.  It also runs stable when I do the fix you suggested, Monty, only I don't get any of Tiger's sounds at all.

Rolling back Monty packs will be problematic, as I got fed up with waiting for jsgme and used the direct install method instead.  I took my time and tested after each pack too, and was rather excited when I got to pack 27 and tested with no problems.  Then I applied the Tiger mod sound fix and I get crashes  >:(  For rolling back, I tried removing all of the mod folders in Monty 27 from #DBW except the STD folder, which I left and then overwrote with the STD folder from Monty 26.  This resulted in a crash at 70%.  I put everything back and all is well, and I'm a little hesitant to mess with it further on my own.   

As it is now, I have a fully functional TFM install with only Tiger's flyby sounds not working.  I can live with it, but I would LOOOOVE a way to figure out what's going on and get those awesome sounds back.
I think some systems become unstable after #DBW Monty-21, with the addition of the SAS Engine Mod conflicting with Tiger33Sounds.  It often seems to be case of one or the other and since the SAS Engine Mod is essential after this point, something has to give.

Many 'power-users' don't use Tiger33Sounds because of potential conflict with other mods.

In the long term the best solution would probably be a WWII Install including Tiger33Sounds, basically up to #DBW Monty-20 + a few more aircraft addons, and a Korea+ Edition based on 4.12 with SAS Modact-4.0 and all the new jet stuff but no Tiger33Sounds (which in any case are not meant for jets).

One other thing - Please don't complicate things for yourself un-neccessarily!  Personally, I have stuck to the JSGME install for the benefit of everyone else.  For me there are no shortcuts.   >:(

I appreciate time is a factor, but as a long-time model maker I was always the kid who spent months making and painting a model Spitifre until it looked perfect, while my mates would just glue them together and slap the stickers on right away.  ;D

Thanks for the feedback though, it helps everyone in the long run.  8)


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Re: The Full Monty
« Reply #1103 on: June 11, 2013, 12:13:40 PM »

Greetings! Thanks for Simon and the modders for all of their hard work!!!

I'm having a bit of a problem. I had had Monty 1 - 20 installed and all was working fine. I installed 21 - 27 and got the 70% CTD when the game was loading. I removed (this was all via JSGME) 22 - 27 and the game loads fine. With Monty 22 when I extracted the 2nd of the two files I got the error message (using WinRAR) about the corrupt tga file. As one of the previous posters had mentioned, I used the work around of manually installing the Battle of Moscow maps before loading Monty 22. Looking at the information regarding file size on the first page of this thread, I see that Monty 22 is supposed to be 726 Mb. My extracted file folder is 722 Mb. Also Monty 24 is supposed to be 346 Mb, but my folder is 525 Mb (!). I suspect the my particular problem lies within Monty 22 and/or 24. Any suggestions? I've already re-downloaded them and re-extracted them, but the result was the same.

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