Hell yeah, my beloved Skinning field. Never dared to ask for a 2-Seater. No more whining, this is incredible.
Just a footnote, former Testpilots and Dornier-personell reported in written and audible accounts "all",
there was a single Nightfighter prototype build, but and here lies the myst, never delivered to a NJG unit, nor
ever flown by Stauffer, what was a postwar myth/joke of his former radio-operator in after war times.
Expect the sole nightfighter prototype being not the primary seat of an acting Nightfighter. To my knowledge, the crate was far from being ready to be trialed under NJG issues, maybe they just showed them the bird and did a jolly seat on the ground. Just remember the whole series was Prototypes if you like to call them, they lacked severe probs, even if they entered pre-series. The crate was infamous to be very hard to handle, only for Veterans, not for Greenhorns.
Only one reported combat-a-like situation on a transfer flight to Rechlin from the Dornier Werke, which caught the Testpilot from surprise, was later given in books as a real combat-like issue.