Hola Spartan!
I had the same problem. Try to do:
0. Before installation check that your downloaded packages - Ultra Spain and Ultra Pack 3 RC4 are not corrupt and better do not use Spanish IL-2 DVD. Use English instead.
1. Make a clean install of Il-2 4.08 + patch 4.09M + patch 4.10M + patch 4.10.1M (acaba con los parches aqui! NO instala el 4.11M Es muy importante!)
2. Check that it is working OK with those patches
3. Make full install of UP3_RC4
4. Find in IL-2 main folder file JSGME.exe, run it, find in the left window #UP#_Enable_UP3.0 click it with left button and then click the upper pointer between two windows (Enable Selected Mod). Close JSGME.
5. Run IL-2 Selector from the main IL-2 folder. Select "Change Settings" and click it with left mouse button. Choose Ultrapack 3, Choose RAM Usage at least 1024 MB. Click "Save Settings" with left mouse.
6 Run IL-2 with Ultrapack and check that it works OK.
7. Apaga IL-2. Go to IL-2 folder and find the #UP# folder. Rename it exactly to -ORIGINAL #UP#
8. Extract parts of Ultra Spain starting from the 1-st one in order: primero, segundo, tercero, quarto. Extract them to the same place and always agree to overwrite. Al final you will have 3 folders: #UP# , Missions, Samples. Move all of them to your IL-2 main folder. Agree to overwrite.
9. Arranca.
10. Disfruta.