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Author Topic: SAS Mod Activator v4.0RC for 4.11.1m (16-Dec-12)  (Read 69677 times)

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  • Aussie Bush Pilot
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SAS Mod Activator v4.0RC for 4.11.1m (16-Dec-12)
« on: December 16, 2012, 01:05:45 AM »

Its BACK. Now BIGGER, BADDER, and more BODACIOUS than ever!  :D

After a year in production, SAS is proud to present:

the SAS Seriously KickAss Mod Activator v4.0 Release Candidate for 4.11.1m!!

Download the GUIDE here (required! It is not included in the modact):

ModAct v4.0

Complete Installation instructions in the Guide! Additional documentation is included with the ModAct

Please note it is STRONGLY suggested you start with a fresh 4.11.1m install before switching over to Mod Act 4.0

Mirror 1: Packupload
Mirror 2: Mediafire Link 1
Mirror 3: 4Shared
Mirror 4: Mediafire Link 2
Mirror 5: Mediafire Link 3

We also STRONGLY suggest you grab the latest SAS Buttons from here

For users who have an older modact 3.0x and need to upgrade:

Unfortunately we don’t have much good news for you. With any game version change, it brings multiple changes and it is difficult to predict all of the side-effects. Therefore as much as pain it is, we STRONGLY recommend you create a fresh Il-2 install, patched all the way to 4.11.1m before installing ModAct v4.0. For HSFX 6.0 users, you are in luck: This has been tested on it and so far can report it works fine :) For the rest still on ModAct v3.06 and DBW 1.71 4.101m installs, they aren’t lost forever. We suggest porting your mods across one by one and seeing what happens. And DBW for 4.11.1m won’t be too far away either ;)

You can try just patching your current install to 4.11.1m and plonking this over the top but it is likely it won’t work. You should do this at your own risk!  We are still in the process of confirming what mods are and aren’t compatible with 4.11.1m. So far, the majority work. Once we have a better idea and done a bit more experimenting, we will post an update.

This is a Release Candidate. Is there anything wrong with it?

No of course not! This release is highly stable and has been thoroughly tested by our modding team. The reason it is a release candidate is two-fold. First, we wanted to include a few updates to the Forgotten Countries mod and were planning on editing some of the speech packs. We weren't able to get these updates in SFS archives in time for our planned release, so we will include them in the full version. Second, we were planning on making the SAS Engine Mod (formerly SAS AI Engines Carrier & Hotkeys mod), a permanent part of the SAS ModAct experience (as we did with DBW). It still has a handful of minor bugs and decided it would be best if we just made it a JSGME option for now. So once both of these elements are ready to go, we will release ModAct full.

For now, this version is fully functional :)


Code: [Select]
Updated to run with 4.11.1m

Latest Il-2 Selector 2.3.0

Included SAS Engine Mod (formerly SAS AI Engines Carriers and Hotkeys mod) as JSGME option.

New buttons file which works with AI mod

Updated jsgme options. Includes PAL's latest Mission Combo, PAL's Stereo3D and Visual Mod (which supercedes ErcanWide and the 6DOF mouse mods) and the High Definition mod (which enables 24bit paintschemes and 2048x2048/4096x4096 skins)

Removed any old, redundant or non-compatible JSGME options

Updated documentation

Replaced MissionPro jsgme option with updated and imporved Mission Pro from Benitomuso. Removed seperate MissionPro Missions from jsgme, as they are now read from their own folder, which will safely be permanently installed in the Missions Folder.

Replaced IL2 selector with new and improved version from Storebror. Features increased compatibility, increased loading speed amongst other small fixes and improvements, including a "Cashe" option for installs that are big but do not change much, which drastically imporves startup time. See modact guide for details.

Added Vtrelut's additional translation files to DGen

Updated included buttons to 8.7 offline version

Updated base sound archive with more inclusive version.

Relocated SFS archives to a new dedicated folder, adjusted related jsgme options for this, as well as added placeholders for future SFS options, and also the FBDSM, seperated from other installations in the same game installation, for compatibility and stability reasons, as well as ease of future FBDSM installation and Sound SFS customisation options.

Replaced two paintscheme classes with stock for future compatibility issues.
Updated GLOrender class to reflect version on Startup.

Fix to paintschemes: Removed the SAAF taiflash from Blenheims.

Added UP3 Guns Classes and related effect files for better custom sound utilization and better researched performances.

Removed, and stopped support for the return to default sounds option, since it has become unviable to maintain, for the return of frequency of use and demand.

Improved il2fb.exe selector, only change in appearance is that trackIR users not have to select that option if in use.

Improved il2fb.exe selector, following user tests and further development. Credits ammended (Spookie, Storebror), Guide rewritten, Fileslist for Soundarchives and JSGME userguide included.

Introduced new il2fb.exe selector instead of differently named exe files, with instructions for cleaning up now obsolete exe files. Fixed an issue with RCAF markings display.

Cheers HaDeS!
Cheers Storebror!
Cheers SAS~CirX!
Cheers to SAS Team and Modders for testing

8) Salut!



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Re: SAS Mod Activator v4.0RC for 4.11.1m (16-Dec-12)
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2012, 01:06:06 AM »



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Re: SAS Mod Activator v4.0RC for 4.11.1m (16-Dec-12)
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2012, 01:17:23 AM »

Cool, will try it out
Just call me TAM.


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Re: SAS Mod Activator v4.0RC for 4.11.1m (16-Dec-12)
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2012, 02:00:31 AM »

Thank you very much for bringing to my F-4E sights the "intelligent" AI opponents of 4.11.1 !
As also the immersive pilot head movement & the inability of AIs to escape to "hyperspace" !
Cheers !

Edited : Ooops! Forgot that Jet War 1.2 runs on 4.10.1 only... Guess I'll have to wait for DBW 1.8 then... :)


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Re: SAS Mod Activator v4.0RC for 4.11.1m (16-Dec-12)
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2012, 05:26:49 AM »

Many thanks to the SAS team for this.

But,idiot question of the Weekend: Whats the advantage of this Mod-Act in compare to HSFX? (I have HSFX installed,but I´m not really a fan of it for some reasons...)



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Re: SAS Mod Activator v4.0RC for 4.11.1m (16-Dec-12)
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2012, 05:50:36 AM »

Many thanks to the SAS team for this.

But,idiot question of the Weekend: Whats the advantage of this Mod-Act in compare to HSFX? (I have HSFX installed,but I´m not really a fan of it for some reasons...)

You can install the mods yourself. You won't have a big bunch of mods that you don't like. You'll have only the ones you want (If you install them manually)
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Re: SAS Mod Activator v4.0RC for 4.11.1m (16-Dec-12)
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2012, 07:08:43 AM »

Semor, there is no necessary advantage of having ModAct over HSFX. Indeed HSFX comes with a wealth of content but as Kilo has stated, you can install every mod you wish manually with ModAct. If you place ModAct over your HSFX install, you can then switch it over to another setup (e.g. SAS ModAct, DBW when release) very easily and all in one install.

BT~Walker: You can get v1.2 to work with this ModAct. Just make sure you have enabled the SAS Engine Mod first (formerly known as AI Engines Carriers Hotkeys mod). I will be releasing an updated v1.3 before Christmas. It will contain some minor updates plus enable fuses for the new bombs.


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Re: SAS Mod Activator v4.0RC for 4.11.1m (16-Dec-12)
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2012, 07:42:49 AM »

Great News !  :)


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Re: SAS Mod Activator v4.0RC for 4.11.1m (16-Dec-12)
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2012, 07:56:58 AM »

Thanks Anto & Kilo for the explanation.


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Re: SAS Mod Activator v4.0RC for 4.11.1m (16-Dec-12)
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2012, 10:24:00 AM »

A big THANKS to all involved! I have an ancient system, so I often use a Modact setup to preserve resources.

I hate to be the first to report that I'm having a problem. I can't seem to get widescreen working, after reading the manual and documentation of course.

-Added the new files and folders to a virgin copy of 4.11.1 (OS=XP)
-Enabled #SAS_Stereo3D and Visual Mod by PAL in JSGME
-Added PAL3DEcranWide=1 to the MODS section of my conf.ini

I tried adding the other PAL mod through JSGME, no luck there either.

I must be missing a step, what am I doing wrong?


(BTW, dropping the "old" EcranWide mod for 4.10.1 into the #SAS folder seems to work fine.)


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Re: SAS Mod Activator v4.0RC for 4.11.1m (16-Dec-12)
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2012, 11:30:23 AM »

Cloyd, you did exactly right by using your old EcrinWideScreen Mod. Its what Im using as well with no problems.
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Re: SAS Mod Activator v4.0RC for 4.11.1m (16-Dec-12)
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2012, 01:18:48 PM »

Thanks a lot Anto, CirX and all!  :)
I'm such a crappy pilot that in my first test I crashed and found a bug: with AI Engines mod enabled planes bounce instead of smashing against the ground. I tried with a couple of P40s and the La5 and it was the same: AI mod=bounce, no AI mod=normal crash

Hope it helps, cheers!
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