In twisters mod the Fi-103 never misses its target as it uses waypoints to direct it. In my opinion a better option would be to have it as a normal missile that when released continued on a straight line for a set distance before diving to the ground.
Sorry but I agree partially.
The Fi-103 wasn't a missile in strict sense but an 'area missile' for terror bombing which should hit the target with a CEP of about 25 km....meter plus or meter minus

It wasn't designed to hit military target but to destroy th British morale and conduct them to a pace table! in game is incorrect set it against specific target but should be targeted towards the center of a big city.
The correct mission should be with some fighter that must intercept and destroy it and the goal , for a successful mission , isn't hit a pin point target but make it 'arrive' at the target: the big city citizen!
So from a strictly historical point of view for me Twister mod is the most correct atm because historically:
1) The He-111 start and point to it's initial point (usually beacon directed from Den Helder in the Netherlands )
2) At the IP the pilot should start a count down device and pursuit the correct route
3) When the count down reach zero the V-1 must be released
4) When V-1 cont down reach zero the V.1 pitch towards ground....end of the story.
From my POW the only modification could be in coding that tell at the V-1 to fliy straight after release and pitch after a .mis command line like:
Fiesler_103_range 125
But remember also that in the Twister way the V-1 can be used also from this way I think that AI can have some trouble....