"pack" contains complete set of files for FW-190 F2, for new version of great Karabas-Barabas Mod ver. 1.3 3 jan 2011.
(,7702.0.html). Useful for MAT users.
Like mentioned:,10050.0.htmlFiles:
files for FW190F2 Karabas-Barabas Mod - classes with all possible PaintSchemes,
grab0002.tga - "native" FW-190 F2 (air.NW_FW_190F2 in air.ini), PaintScheme with letters, skin from Boelcke, no "Jabo" black triangle on skin.
grab0019.tga - "native" FW-190 F2 (air.NW_FW_190F2 in air.ini), PaintScheme with letters, skin from Canon, "Jabo" black triangle on skin.
grab0002.tga - FW-190 F2 (air.FW_190F2 in air.ini) added by Karabas - Barabas mode (I'm using "late series" string in file), skin from -=FA=-Jaws, PaintScheme with numbers and "black haken and balken" - file 19CF41B2A3A35E14FM04 renamed to 19CF41B2A3A35E14.
Installing Karabas Barabas mod, we can put the two machines of the same type with different PaintScheme even with the same default skin.
- backup your original 19CF41B2A3A35E14 file
- copy 19CF41B2A3A35E14BM00 from this pack to original location
- rename 19CF41B2A3A35E14BM00 to 19CF41B2A3A35E14 in original location
- start IL2 and test new scheme.
Usefull links: made sets of files for all machines From Karabas-Barabas mod because my favorite "Foki" were painted and marked in many ways.
Mod author may propose only one way signs and chosed one (PaintSchemeBMPar02) for all machines.