updated August 4, 2016...updated August 20, 2016DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/?rr9mesltd44dyfd3 Textures & Load.ini Update 2020: https://www.mediafire.com/file/188ruz17is1c6ne/BurmaLower_3Texture_update2020.zip/fileSee Post on Page10 for more information:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,31616.msg706942.html#msg706942Northern section of the map:
edmapN, on Flickr
edmapS, on Flickr
"Then a golden mystery upheaved itself on the horizon - a beautiful, winking wonder that blazed in the sun, of a shape that was neither Muslim dome nor Hindu temple spire...the golden dome said: This is Burma, and it will be quite unlike any land you know about."
- Rudyard Kipling, Letters From the East (1898)
"...and as they descended into Burma for the first time they were struck by the colour of the Burmese foliage - the red and orange tints of the flowering trees which, in due course, we learnt to identify as the flame trees of the forest and the golden mohurs."
- a Beaufighter pilot
Rangoon, on Flickr
Two new maps: BurmaLower_1942 & BurmaLower_1944Made by using static objects found in SAS's Dark Blue World, plus the "oil well" object.
Many objects were copy/pasted using other maps such as the new Khalkin Gol, Borneo, and Vietnam maps...thanks to the makers of all objects and maps.
Update August 4, 2016
Main changes:
Smoother runways, fixed some runway plate colors, new edmaps, changed Trees to Whitecat trees, added Nakhon Sawan airfield in Thailand.
Update August 20, 2016
Added bumpH textures made by Battlin Bastard.
Added new CBI Trees made by Battlin Bastard.
Changed the large city texture (for Rangoon and other cities) so that the colors look a little better & streets complementary of vpmedia texture.
Fixed runway stay points for Mingaladon north/south runway - aircraft were disappearing and not parking after landings.
Fixed a few other small details that users may never notice 
copy/paste the following lines into your "all.ini" file:
cztx_BurmaLower_1942 cztx_BurmaLower_1942/load.ini
cztx_BurmaLower_1944 cztx_BurmaLower_1944/load.ini
Place the two map folders "BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944" into your Mapmods/Maps/... folder.
Textures are found in the _Tex folder. Put "cztx" and "trees" inside your Mod's _Tex folder...mapmods/maps/_Tex/...
NOTE: The trees textures included in this download are sized 2048. If you do not want to use the 2048 visual MOD then you have the option to change the trees - see reply #104 here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,31616.msg624282.html#msg624282Many thanks to all modders in the community, especially map builders and texture makers. Special thanks to Fabianfred who got this all started with the Thailand/Burma map. ENJOY!