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Author Topic: UPDATE Aug.20,2016 : BurmaLower_1942 & BurmaLower_1944  (Read 51885 times)

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Re: FINAL: BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944
« Reply #60 on: August 05, 2015, 01:41:42 AM »

GB: Any map can work in any install, given the objects and textures are installed.

Dear Tom,

I don't think so. Any mod should be distributed, for the sake of correctness, either with directions about required environment (e.g.: DBW) or including required, non-stock, objects and textures.

What about if I would have distributed a new plane without a required 3do object, say stuff.msh, just saying I added stuff.msh that I already have in my install, but refusing to add to the download, as well as to point where to find it, and even to reply to requests for help?

I don't think this is a correct behaviour.

At any rate: I had to detect that required files for these maps, missing from 4.09m+UP2.01, are the following:

Code: [Select]
Wood0 = forest/summer/Slot_Forest0.tga
Wood1 = forest/summer/Slot_Forest1.tga
Wood2 = forest/summer/Slot_Forest2.tga
Wood3 = forest/summer/Slot_Forest3.tga
Wood4 = forest/summer/Slot_Forest4.tga
as well as
Code: [Select]
Wood2    = forest/summer/Slot_ForestFar.tga
I had only Slot_Forest3.tga, and with this replaced in load.ini all the others. Now the two maps works: much more fancy colors, but still much "patterning". :-X
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Re: FINAL: BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944
« Reply #61 on: August 06, 2015, 04:13:19 AM »

For those interested

CT provided a screen of Lamphun my home town of 8 years.

In order to bomb my house you need precision bombing skills  ;D :D

I live on a main road  on the right there is a college , a high school then my townhouse block. On the left there are some townhouse shop houses like mine. Just behind them is a temple which I can see from my house (4th floor).

CT has given a pretty accurate setting for Lamphun.  :D There are some remnants of the original city walls and the moats are still in Lamphun.

Happy bombing just don't bomb the temple college or school.  :D



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Re: FINAL: BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944
« Reply #62 on: August 06, 2015, 05:44:44 AM »

Lol Kirby. :D

GB: I understand your point, but I respectfully disagree. It is simply a horror to give any user any objects for any possible install with maps, textures, yes, of course. The easiest way is to point to a compact, combined objects pack, that was e.g. possible for 4.09m with Boomer's old objects package IIRC.

TBH any install I intend to mod, the first thing it gets after some basic mods without ini entries ;), is an object pack.

That is why it is described (in detail) how to install maps in ModAct 5.3 and why e.g. any map should work from scratch in C.U.P., I do not fly the latter atm though.

For Dark Blue World, the same: You did not need fancy objects for most maps, as DBW included them.

For 4.09m I keep my old HistoMod objects pack which so far served very well.

WHAT IMO makes sense is to reupload a comprehensive objects pack:
One for 4.09m, AFAIK ATM such a thing does not exist.
One for 4.12 (SFS format).

That IMO would suffice. 4.10 is very nicely fitted with the Dark Blue World object pack and only a basic 4.09m install and 4.12 custom install call for these packs, 4.11...no idea, I assume it could benefit ftom the same method I outlined here:

...you will also see why it is unthinkable for a map modder to upload all objects, that is like uploading an entire game and crystal balling / guessing what every end user may have or not have in his install: Makes NO sense at all.

A comprehensive new objects pack however does make sense.


Here you even find a comprehensive objects pack for later game versions...

With these two links, in theory, 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12 are widely covered, and you also see why it is impossible to upload everything for 4.12 from a modder point of view with limited mediafire bandwidth.

I still think there should be a new, all comprehensive objects pack, adoptable for 4.12, and one for 4.09m.

There WAS one for 4.09m, I do not know if it is still available. I have it, if anyone can provide free upload space, I can share it.

And I agree all NEW objects needed for a map have to be provided by the map modder if they do not fall under the category of the well known older objects packs described above. ;)


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Re: FINAL: BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944
« Reply #63 on: August 06, 2015, 12:16:00 PM »


I think there's a misunderstanding: I do not mean all objects and textures required for any environment. Let's take Cyberolas' Burma RRR as an example (he's definitely worth to be taken as example... ;) )

He released his new map labeled in the topic as for 4.12, since he used objects not included in earlier version of the game.

I downloaded and installed at my own risk in 4.09 and (of course) had troubles.

He helped to find objects missing in 4.09 and finally released a dedicated "universal" actors.static file to facilitate non-4.12 users.

Same Burma, two different styles.
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Re: FINAL: BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944
« Reply #64 on: August 07, 2015, 09:13:31 AM »

sorry for the delay but I was away on vacation.  You're right, there should be a "4.10" version in the Title.  Stating that DBW is also required might have saved you some headaches.  I apologize for that.

Here is what is written on the first page:

Two new maps:  BurmaLower_1942 & BurmaLower_1944
Made by using static objects found in SAS's Dark Blue World, plus the "oil well" object. 
Many objects were copy/pasted using other maps such as the new Khalkin Gol, Borneo, and Vietnam maps...thanks to the makers of all objects and maps.

Tree0 = Trees\NamTree.tga from Vietnam maps.
Download Vietnam Trees here:  https://www.mediafire.com/?l12mvu9aa8oe51g

Forest (Wood) textures are from the Dark Blue World Slot map.

Other textures are from other maps but most have been altered.

I thought that would be sufficient enough to understand what would be needed...which would be DBW.


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Re: FINAL: BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944
« Reply #65 on: August 08, 2015, 07:22:51 AM »


thanks for adding proper label to the topic. In fact, I just wanted confirmation.

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Re: FINAL: BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944
« Reply #66 on: September 18, 2015, 04:49:04 PM »

I have 4.12.2m + HSFX 7.03... How can I use these maps in it?

My folder structure:
IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles/MODS/MAPMODS/Maps/cztx_BurmaLower_1942
L-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles/MODS/MAPMODS/Maps/cztx_BurmaLower_1944
L-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles/MODS/MAPMODS/Maps/_Tex/cztx/BurmaLower_1944
L-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles/MODS/MAPMODS/Maps/_Tex/cztx/trees

But I have some problems...

I can see both maps in Full Mission Builder, can put different objects on them...
But I can't save missions and can't fly missions - nothing happens when I try to do it...
How do I solve this problem?

Another questions:
Should there be "BurmaLower_1942" folder in "cztx" folder?

And the last problem:
Some time ago I made a few missions with "Burma Lower (cztx)" map which is in HSFX 7.03...
When I renamed "cztx_BurmaLower_1944" folder (L-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles/MODS/MAPMODS/Maps/cztx_BurmaLower_1944) to "cztx_BurmaLower", new map appeared in my old missions with some my old objects (not all objects), and I can't fly those missions too...
How can I replace old "Burma Lower (cztx)" with new "cztx_BurmaLower_1944" wihout remade those missions?

CzechTexan, big thanks for all Burma maps!


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Re: FINAL: BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944
« Reply #67 on: September 19, 2015, 01:27:14 PM »

I have 4.12.2m + HSFX 7.03... How can I use these maps in it?
But I can't save missions and can't fly missions - nothing happens when I try to do it...
How do I solve this problem?

Another questions:
Should there be "BurmaLower_1942" folder in "cztx" folder?

... new map appeared in my old missions with some my old objects (not all objects), and I can't fly those missions too...
How can I replace old "Burma Lower (cztx)" with new "cztx_BurmaLower_1944" wihout remade those missions?

Not being able to save missions and fly is because you do not have all the static objects for the map.
I do not know anything about HSFX because I've only used DBW and SAS so I don't know if HSFX has all the same objects as DBW.

However, I did add the "oil well" object and copy/pasted objects found on the Borneo and Khalkin Gol map.
Perhaps, if you download the Borneo map and add the oil well object then it might work.
Borneo:  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,24554.0.html
If you don't have the Khalkin Gol map and its objects then you need that also.
Khalkin Gol:  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,9361.0.html

For the second question...No, you do not need Burmalower_1942 in the _Tex/cztx folder.

Third question... You cannot fly probably because you are missing objects.
If I understand right... you want to use your old missions on the new maps?  To do that, open the mission files and you will see the map name at the top of the page.  Change the name of the map from the old name to the new name, then save it.  This way the mission will play on the new map.
However, some airfields on the old Burmalower map may be a little different so you'll have to check all the takeoff positions in FMB.

Hope that will help.


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Re: FINAL: BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944
« Reply #68 on: September 19, 2015, 05:51:51 PM »

Not being able to save missions and fly is because you do not have all the static objects for the map.
I do not know anything about HSFX because I've only used DBW and SAS so I don't know if HSFX has all the same objects as DBW.

However, I did add the "oil well" object and copy/pasted objects found on the Borneo and Khalkin Gol map.
Perhaps, if you download the Borneo map and add the oil well object then it might work.
Borneo:  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,24554.0.html
If you don't have the Khalkin Gol map and its objects then you need that also.
Khalkin Gol:  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,9361.0.html

Third question... You cannot fly probably because you are missing objects.
If I understand right... you want to use your old missions on the new maps?  To do that, open the mission files and you will see the map name at the top of the page.  Change the name of the map from the old name to the new name, then save it.  This way the mission will play on the new map.
However, some airfields on the old Burmalower map may be a little different so you'll have to check all the takeoff positions in FMB.

Both maps are default in HSFX 7.03 ("KhalkhinGol Expanded (Mixx)" and "NorthernBorneo_43_45") ! So, I think that their objects are default in HSFX 7.03 too...
When I opened the mission files and changed the name of the map from the old name to the new name, then saved it, I've got the same effect when I renamed "cztx_BurmaLower_1944" folder (L-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles/MODS/MAPMODS/Maps/cztx_BurmaLower_1944) to "cztx_BurmaLower" - new map appeared in my old missions with some my old objects (not all objects), and I can't fly those missions too...


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Re: FINAL: BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944
« Reply #69 on: September 19, 2015, 06:17:04 PM »

Both maps are default in HSFX 7.03 ("KhalkhinGol Expanded (Mixx)" and "NorthernBorneo_43_45") ! So, I think that their objects are default in HSFX 7.03 too...
hmmm...maybe you can use the map tool that tells you which objects  you are missing.  I can't think of anything else that would affect the not saving problem.  Do you have the right trees in the right places?  keep me posted on your efforts.


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Re: FINAL: BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944
« Reply #70 on: September 19, 2015, 06:32:50 PM »

hmmm...maybe you can use the map tool that tells you which objects  you are missing.  I can't think of anything else that would affect the not saving problem.  Do you have the right trees in the right places?  keep me posted on your efforts.

What sould I do with trees?
I downloaded maps from here:
updated February 28, 2013...
Zip contains "trees" folder "in _Tex" folder.

Then I downloaded "Vietnam Trees.zip" from here:
Tree0 = Trees\NamTree.tga from Vietnam maps.
Download Vietnam Trees here:  https://www.mediafire.com/?l12mvu9aa8oe51g
It contains "trees" folder too. What should I do with it?
Both folders contains 6 files with same names.

Should I put files from "Vietnam Trees.zip" to "trees" folder in "_Tex" folder in order to to replace old ones?

Should I write anithing In "load.ini" files? where I found 
  Tree0 = Trees\NamTree.tga
  TreeLightMask = Trees\LightM256.tga


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Re: FINAL: BurmaLower_1942 and BurmaLower_1944
« Reply #71 on: September 19, 2015, 09:01:27 PM »

Should I put files from "Vietnam Trees.zip" to "trees" folder in "_Tex" folder in order to to replace old ones?

Should I write anithing In "load.ini" files? where I found 
  Tree0 = Trees\NamTree.tga
  TreeLightMask = Trees\LightM256.tga
1. yes, put the Vietnam trees into the "trees" folder in _Tex.
2.  No need to change .ini file.  it is already written there.
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