Lol Kirby.

GB: I understand your point, but I respectfully disagree. It is simply a horror to give any user any objects for any possible install with maps, textures, yes, of course. The easiest way is to point to a compact, combined objects pack, that was e.g. possible for 4.09m with Boomer's old objects package IIRC.
TBH any install I intend to mod, the first thing it gets after some basic mods without ini entries

, is an object pack.
That is why it is described (in detail) how to install maps in ModAct 5.3 and why e.g. any map should work from scratch in C.U.P., I do not fly the latter atm though.
For Dark Blue World, the same: You did not need fancy objects for most maps, as DBW included them.
For 4.09m I keep my old HistoMod objects pack which so far served very well.
WHAT IMO makes sense is to reupload a comprehensive objects pack:
One for 4.09m, AFAIK ATM such a thing does not exist.
One for 4.12 (SFS format).
That IMO would suffice. 4.10 is very nicely fitted with the Dark Blue World object pack and only a basic 4.09m install and 4.12 custom install call for these packs, idea, I assume it could benefit ftom the same method I outlined here: will also see why it is unthinkable for a map modder to upload all objects, that is like uploading an entire game and crystal balling / guessing what every end user may have or not have in his install: Makes NO sense at all.
A comprehensive new objects pack however does make sense.,35419.0.htmlHere you even find a comprehensive objects pack for later game versions...,30853.0.htmlWith these two links, in theory, 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12 are widely covered, and you also see why it is impossible to upload everything for 4.12 from a modder point of view with limited mediafire bandwidth.
I still think there should be a new, all comprehensive objects pack, adoptable for 4.12, and one for 4.09m.
There WAS one for 4.09m, I do not know if it is still available. I have it, if anyone can provide free upload space, I can share it.
And I agree all NEW objects needed for a map have to be provided by the map modder if they do not fall under the category of the well known older objects packs described above.