Skies of Fire.
VIDEO:Hi all!
Well it's about time I gave back to this wonderful community, and what better way than with missions?
Lots and lots of missions!Fire in the skies is a
series of instant-action single-mission packs, designed to simulate what WW2 'felt like', so while the missions may not always be 100% accurate in terms of locations etc. they will convey the general theme of what action took place.
I'm going to cover the entirety of WW2, in the following parts;
1. Prelude to ArmageddonStatus: WIP 50%Covers the years 1930-1939 and the following conflicts;
-Japan-Russian war
-Sino-Japanese war
-Spanish Civil War
2. In the beginning...Covers the years 1939-1940 and the following conflicts;
-Invasion of Poland
-Invasion of France
3. He gives us the victory!Covers 1940 and the following conflict;
-The Battle of Britain
4. The sun rises...Covers the years 1941-1943 and the following conflicts;
-Pearl Harbour
-Midway Campaign
-PNG Campaign
5. And they went out into the wilderness...Covers the years 1941-1943 and the following conflicts;
-North Africa
-The Med
6. And they shall wander from sea to sea...Covers the years 1944-1945 and the following conflicts;
-Island-hopping campaign, the Pacific.
7. Tarry in the plain.USSR vs Germany
Covers the years 1942-1944 and the following conflicts;
-Russian campaign
8. My rock and my fortress.
Covers the year 1944 and the following conflict;
-D-Day campaign.
9. ...for our end is come.Covers the years 1944-1945 and the following conflict;
-Daylight/Night-time bombing campaign.
10. Revelations.What if, covering 1946 and the "Wonder weapons" of WW2.
The names of each part make reference to different parts of the bible. Just to be different.
Each part will contain anywhere between 10 and 50 missions, and they will be released as they are finished, along with Screenies and movies for demonstration. I will add to this post as I do more. At the moment, I am working on the Sino-Japanese war with a few good missions done.
Kind regards,