I do get the objects from the autopop I just dont get the original objects from the map. Like the airbases and bridges are gone.
You need to use the other files generated when extracting the Oki actors
that is where the airfield waypoints and bridges waypoints are
It is either my workflow or the HD MOD. I did use mandrill's 1024 autopop template so the texure of city 0 was 1024. Looks like I will have to turn off the HD mod and use all 1024 textures and see if it is my workflow.
It has nothing to do with the HD Mod
I mentioned once before that on maps....
The map textures STAY at 1024 and that it is the bumpH and the .tgb files that are actually in 2048 x 2048 textures for a HD map or whatever it would be called
AFAIK anyway
Now all the auto popups populate my city0. But I lost my bases and bridges.
Its like the Static objects from popup are not adding to the existing static object file it is erasing the original static objects. Hmmmmm. It will only populate the popups and nothing else.
Either my workflow is wrong or I am to much of a dummy for this auto popup. To bad I cant get this to work because I am at a deadend on this. How do I add the popup citys to my original object static file? 
well seems you got auto-pop to work if in fact your template population
is now populating all over the Oki map
As I said above,you need to use all the other .txt files from extracting the Oki map actors.static
Add the outbuildings file from extracting your template map to all the other files from extracting Oki
recompile an actors
extract Oki actors
exchange your outbuildings for the oki outbuildings
adding it to ALL the other files from extracting Oki map
rename all .txt files to IN from OUT and recompile
Either my workflow is wrong or I am to much of a dummy for this auto popup.
dont feel too bad,auto-pop is not easy to use
many accomplished map makers have never been able to figure it out
and some map makers have just finally discovered how to make it work after making several maps populating by hand
and some map makers still can not grasp how to auto-pop a map
Some more basic map knowledge is helpful when tackling harder map making projects such as auto-pop