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Author Topic: Autopop for dummies.  (Read 7420 times)

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Autopop for dummies.
« on: January 21, 2013, 10:17:13 PM »

Ok I am having problems with figuring the size texture and it is in meters.
1. Is the size texture the map or the city tile?
2. My city textures are 2048x2048. What would be my period in autopop?
3. What would be my size for MapSize.txt?
4. Oki Map_t.tga is 944w x672h.

Thanks for helping this dummie.


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Re: Autopop for dummies.
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2013, 03:39:39 AM »

1. Is the size texture the map or the city tile?
not sure what you mean by "size texture" the map or city tile
It should be the size of the map that is edited into Mapsize.txt
if period size,then that would be the texture sizes whether 512 textures or 1024 textures
800 period for 512 texture and 1600 period for 1024 textures

2. My city textures are 2048x2048. What would be my period in autopop?

This you are on your own and you will have to learn as you go...nobody has auto-popped 2048 x 2048 textures before
AFAIK..... Only 512 or 1024 textures can be auto-popped using Delco's auto-pop utility
as it is made for either using... a 512 x 512 texture or a 1024 x 1024 texture

I'm not sure where using 2048 texture is coming from ?
AFAIK.... with Map 2048 textures,they are Only...(or should be only) the bumpH and the .tgb files that are in 2048 x 2048
the actual map textures themselves stay at 1024

3. What would be my size for MapSize.txt?
4. Oki Map_t.tga is 944w x672h.

At 200 m per pixel...
You need to show the y dimension in meters of the map
944 x 200 = 188800.00 meters


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Re: Autopop for dummies.
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2013, 07:01:19 AM »

Boomer you are da man. I am doing retextured 2048 hd for those who want them. That is why the 2048. Did not know auto pop did not do 2048 hmmmmm. Thanks again for your support.


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Re: Autopop for dummies.
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2013, 01:32:44 PM »

Ok good news is that it works in 2048. When I took mandrill's templates and tried to add the to my map I lost my original static objects with 1024 or 2048. Maybe mandrill can help me. What is the work flow to take your template of a city and add them to a exisisting map. I am thinking to build a Pacific city and country templates that can be used on different Pacific maps. If this works well, I can upload them to anybody that wants them for Pacific maps. It would be nice to have a Template to start, then each individual map builder can tweak them to their preference.
So if I take the auto maps mandrill has and repopulate them to a Pacific theme here will be my steps.
This is my workflow.
1. In mission builder Populate the city map then use Static file with act.jar tool to get outbuilding text.
2. Rename to format:template_city0.txt
3. Setup popup ini file.
4. Take my template_city with the map_t from the map I am doing like OKi and put in Auto pop folder. Hit autopop.exe and it creates a inbuilding file.
5. Take inbuilding file with Zuti's actor management and create a static file.
6. Replace the static file in Zuti and overwrite the original in OKI.
Or is this is why I loose my static objects except those on template?

Do I need to add the first inbuilding file to my oki inbuilding file then make oki static file?
Would this be the way so I do noy loose my original static objects?


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Re: Autopop for dummies.
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2013, 06:50:05 PM »

2. Rename to format:template_city0.txt

would need to be template_city0_800.txt for a 512 x 512 texture
or template_city0_1600.txt for a 1024 x 1024 texture

needs to be named correctly for auto-pop to run right
may be why you have no objects
not sure myself

I guess because your building this template on a 2048 x 2048 texture
then your template map is set up to .... I suppose 3200 period then  ;D

and....your template_city0_(would need to be)_3200.txt   :D


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Re: Autopop for dummies.
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2013, 08:27:46 PM »

I do get the objects from the autopop I just dont get the original objects from the map. Like the airbases and bridges are gone. It is either my workflow or the HD MOD. I did use mandrill's 1024 autopop template so the texure of city 0 was 1024. Looks like I will have to turn off the HD mod and use all 1024 textures and see if it is my workflow. I know it can be harder to troubleshoot for you when you dont have defintes, so I will get defintes and try it without HD mod and 2048 textures to see what my workflow problem is. If I can get it to work with 1024 then I will go to the next step and try the HD mod. Thanks for your patience Boomer.


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Re: Autopop for dummies.
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2013, 10:00:12 PM »

Ok lets forget 2048 HD mod for now. I went back to only 1024 and disable the HD Mod. Went throught the workflow.
1. I deleted all my objects that were on the city tiles so they were clean. So I still have bridges and bases.
2. Took mandrills number 2 autopop Static object file and use it like a template. Made a outbuilding file.
3. Took my OKI map_t.tga file and put it in the popup folder.
4. Rename the outbuilding file to template_city0_1600.txt and placed it in the autopopup folder.
5 Ini popup file has
City0 template_city0_1600.txt 1600
6 run autopop and got a inbuilding file.
7. Took inbuilding file and made a static file.
8. Took static file and puy into OKI folder.

Now all the auto popups populate my city0. But I lost my bases and bridges.
Its like the Static objects from popup are not adding to the existing static object file it is erasing the original static objects.  Hmmmmm. It will only populate the popups and nothing else.
Either my workflow is wrong or I am to much of a dummy for this auto popup. To bad I cant get this to work because I am at a deadend on this. How do I add the popup citys to my original object static file?  :'(


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Re: Autopop for dummies.
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2013, 02:21:42 AM »

I do get the objects from the autopop I just dont get the original objects from the map. Like the airbases and bridges are gone.

You need to use the other files generated when extracting the Oki actors
that is where the airfield waypoints and bridges waypoints are

It is either my workflow or the HD MOD. I did use mandrill's 1024 autopop template so the texure of city 0 was 1024. Looks like I will have to turn off the HD mod and use all 1024 textures and see if it is my workflow.

It has nothing to do with the HD Mod
I mentioned once before that on maps....
The map textures STAY at 1024 and that it is the bumpH and the .tgb files that are actually in 2048 x 2048 textures for a HD map or whatever it would be called
AFAIK anyway

Now all the auto popups populate my city0. But I lost my bases and bridges.
Its like the Static objects from popup are not adding to the existing static object file it is erasing the original static objects.  Hmmmmm. It will only populate the popups and nothing else.
Either my workflow is wrong or I am to much of a dummy for this auto popup. To bad I cant get this to work because I am at a deadend on this. How do I add the popup citys to my original object static file?  :'(

well seems you got auto-pop to work if in fact your template population
is now populating all over the Oki map

As I said above,you need to use all the other .txt files from extracting the Oki map actors.static
Add the outbuildings file from extracting your template map to all the other files from extracting Oki
recompile an actors

extract Oki actors
exchange your outbuildings for the oki outbuildings
adding it to ALL the other files from extracting Oki map
rename all .txt files to IN from OUT and recompile


Either my workflow is wrong or I am to much of a dummy for this auto popup.

dont feel too bad,auto-pop is not easy to use
many accomplished map makers have never been able to figure it out
and some map makers have just finally discovered how to make it work after making several maps populating by hand
and some map makers still can not grasp how to auto-pop a map

Some more basic map knowledge is helpful when tackling harder map making projects such as auto-pop




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Re: Autopop for dummies.
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2013, 07:40:25 AM »

Thanks for your time and patience. I am astounding by how much time you spend helping others. I tried to extract the OKi actors. static and all my extractedout files have nothing. There must be something wrong in my actor file.

Here is my actors.static file for Oki.




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Re: Autopop for dummies.
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2013, 06:46:43 PM »

I extracted your actors.static file ok using the mapsize of the Oki map
All the files have the usual info inside the text files
no problems here

Hm,wonder if it is the way your using the act.jar tool
I use Zuti's actors management tool for extracting actors and compiling them
it works way better than the old act.jar method IMHO

Not sure,but the actor you posted extracted ok for me



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Re: Autopop for dummies.
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2013, 06:57:02 PM »

Thanks Boomer could you do one more thing for me. Could you zip up your files in the base_files directory. I use Zuti 1.0  I might have a file there is not right. You know that the inbridge could have problems for some in pass. Thanks again.


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Re: Autopop for dummies.
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2013, 03:20:30 AM »

You know that the inbridge could have problems for some in pass.

No,I have never read anywhere about the inbridges giving anyone problems in the past
where are you getting this info from ?

It is actually inBridgesReal.txt
and it get's generated when creating an actors.static

After reversing the process,and creating an actors from your actors extracted files
I could also easily create an actors file
and.... the inBridgesReal.txt file that was generated has the info I post below in code

Code: [Select]
607 441 606 440 32 0.23999023
522 577 522 575 32 0.099975586
560 574 561 573 32 0.2199707
578 556 580 554 32 -0.11999512
560 525 561 524 32 -0.38000488
589 421 589 419 32 -0.35998535
591 412 592 411 32 -0.099975586
631 403 633 403 32 0.2000122
644 397 645 396 32 0.2199707
666 384 668 382 32 -0.34002686
680 367 681 366 32 0.0
699 348 700 347 32 -0.34002686
742 335 741 334 32 0.05999756
776 296 777 296 32 -0.23999023
783 293 784 292 32 0.38000488
800 281 801 280 32 0.039978027
815 264 816 263 32 0.0
819 260 820 259 32 -0.2999878
833 212 833 211 32 -0.08000183
819 197 820 197 32 0.35998535
797 218 797 217 32 -0.11999512
794 224 795 223 32 0.38000488
784 238 785 237 32 0.32000732
763 252 763 250 32 -0.2400055
758 264 759 263 32 0.020019531
745 295 745 294 32 0.35998535
725 302 726 302 32 0.020019531
691 313 693 313 32 0.099975586
679 310 681 310 32 0.23999023
668 278 669 278 32 -0.23999023
660 275 659 274 32 -0.34002686
647 272 648 272 32 -0.17999268
629 293 630 292 32 0.15997314
627 298 627 297 32 0.05999756
629 311 628 310 32 -0.0
655 319 656 319 32 -0.039978027
668 323 666 321 32 -0.38000488
556 425 557 425 32 -0.26000977
575 492 576 491 32 0.38000488
535 523 536 522 32 0.0
539 543 539 542 32 0.38000488
544 559 544 557 32 -0.11999512
643 316 644 316 32 -0.2800293
647 316 648 316 32 0.2000122
531 520 531 516 128 0.17999268
546 505 549 505 128 0.14001465
529 531 531 531 128 0.2199707
526 530 528 528 128 0.08001709
518 536 520 534 128 -0.11999512
559 454 557 452 128 -0.05999756
565 482 565 481 128 0.040008545
564 489 564 487 128 0.040008545

Somewhere,you are not doing something correctly
you may need to start over, reading more carefully about the tools your trying to use and how to use them

Check your work over thoroughly,be sure there are no typo errors being made
Check the mapsize.txt to make sure there are no errors in typing or size
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