Hello all, seeing as I'm forever asking folks for these and I'm currently taking my first steps into altering java code in eclipse, I've started a project for stationary planes to allow any mod aircraft that you may want in your 4.11.1 SAS ModAct 4 that doesn't come equiped with the necessary stationary files to be added to the sim.
I intend to include more as I add any aircraft to my 4.11.1 SAS ModAct 4.
Many thanks to those who compiled the stationary aircraft files in DBW and previous stationary planes compilations as some of their entries were used as reference when compiling the stationary and technics.ini in this mod.PS_Stationary Planes Dec 16 2013 is the latest upload added.
Here is a link to the mod so far:
https://www.mediafire.com/?tpil5q6h079uuvbThe update includes the complete lists for stationary.ini and technics.ini that have been added so far.
My entries are added at the end of the default aircraft ones.
To use: either enter the necessary text to the stationary and technics for the particular aircraft you want, or add all the entries and
comment out any aircraft not added to your install, eg:
//VG33 vehicles.planes.Plane$VG_33 1
VG33 vehicles.planes.Plane$VG_33 1
Description VG_33
Icon Plane
Class air.VG_33
PanzerBodyFront 0.002
Explode WagonMetal
Description VG_33
Icon Plane
Class air.VG_33
PanzerBodyFront 0.002
Explode WagonMetal
If you remove any mod aircraft please remember to remove the text entry in the stationary and technics files or CTD.

Not all aircraft featured are available from SAS, they are added for anyone who has them in their install. Some may already
have a stationary available, just add the entries you require.
Some of the aircraft in the latest update:

FokkerDVII and FokkerDVIIF.

MTB-2_FlyingBoat, F4F-3S_Wild_Catfish_(early) and SpitfireVB_Float.

UH-1C_Heavy_Hawg, Huey_D, MH-6 and OH-6_Cayuse_Loach.
PLEASE NOTE: In my install when the CantZ506B or CANT_Z1007_BIS were selected as stationary they would not show.
Once selected the sim would freeze and if you then clicked in the fmb selecter screen a CTD will result.
This was caused by the Fiat G-56 mod which once de-activated cured the problem. 
Also be aware that certain aircraft appear to stand above the ground, this is not a fault of the stationary planes mod. Wishing you all the very best, Pete.