Hello guys, the latest update is in the first post.

Only five aircraft have been added to this update, two I missed previously and three are recent new appearences.

The aircraft added here and in the first post.



The five aircraft in this update:
A7M2 vehicles.planes.Plane$A7M2 2
D520 vehicles.planes.Plane$D520 2
Me-209-II vehicles.planes.Plane$ME_209_II 2
Polikarpov_RZ vehicles.planes.Plane$Polikarpov_RZ 2
Yak-3Km vehicles.planes.Plane$YAK_3Km 1
Description A7M2
Icon Plane
Class air.A7M2
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Description D520
Icon Plane
Class air.D520
PanzerBodyFront 0.002
Description ME_209_II
Icon Plane
Class air.ME_209_II
PanzerBodyFront 0.002
Description Polikarpov_RZ
Icon Plane
Class air.Polikarpov_RZ
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Description YAK_3Km
Icon Plane
Class air.YAK_3Km
PanzerBodyFront 0.002
Explode WagonMetal
Most of the available aircraft here at SAS have now been added, if any aircraft are not in the mod I don't have them or the links here are inactive. Certain aircraft I would have liked to add but do not have readily accessible download links available to the community.
I did add the the various jetbombers but I found they would not show as a stationary, for the soviet types this will be looked at by Bison_M, so for now they have been removed, sorry.
I have added aircraft that contain a Self Stationary Plane, nothing sinister here it just keeps everything in the one package, although I have ommitted the following aircraft because they have the ability to use a stationary but the entries would appear within the usual stationary and technics list:
I have also not included the stationary aircraft that have appeared in the Jet War pack up to V12, I figured if you like jets you would have this in your install anyway.

Essentially this update really finishes this WIP and I may now delete it after a week or so and start a new thread.

Thank you very much to those who have downloaded the mod and especially those who helped me get it working, there have been no reports of any problems so I will assume it works ok.

Right, where are those campaigns I keep meaning to play, I feel the need.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete.