Hi everybody.
First of all:
I´m not the Author of this programm!I use this little program for years in my Dynamic campaigns.(first release was 2006!!) It is very easy to use especially for those of us who have not very knowlege about skining.
What does it do:
It allows the user to paint his own killmarks on every plane he wants,with a minimum on mouse clicks.Or create your own Victory mark style!
Select the skin you want to alter
Select one marking (you can choose one .bmp file from the paintvictory directory)
With your mouse, click, drag and release to draw a selection square. The square must be bigger than the marking selected. Always draw from top left to bottom right.
Choose the number of markings you want and then click on the button to paint them.
Once you have finished, you can save your file (better with a new name)

Victory marks included for:Germany,Japan,USA,RAF,Russia,Finland,Hungary and a few "Extras"

Full original credits and many thanx: "Gamekeeper" at M4T
The link:
http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads&file=details&id=363A short tutorial: