P-51s Overhaul_3.1.13

The intention behind this mod would be to give a somewhat slightly improved 3d for the original Mustangs we have in the game.
This should be the definitive version, unless you have some useful suggestions or i've done some major fuck-ups of which i'm currently unaware at the present time.
It changes the slots present in DBW 1.71:
I haven't tested it on any other version like HSFX, Histo, etc. and i won't offer troubleshooting to users for those packs.
Nonetheless, i'll offer support to other modders if they'd like to port this mod over to those packs, so if you have any questions or you'd like to add them to your modpacks, be my guest. Obviously this offer is valid only if proper credits are given to the respective authors.
I ask you, if possible, to give me some feedback, in regards to what could be done with all the different variants of the Mustangs. An example: were there any differencies between the D-20NA and D-30NA in regards to external 3d, like a different antenna, or the presence of mirrors above the windshield?
Finally, in this pack it's present a new kind of proprot mesh, so when the propeller is rotating it should give you the impression of thickness. Consider it only as a test for the moment and i'd like to hear your opinion about it. You can find it in a dedicated folder called "Different Propeller Mod": if you want to test it, just copy-past the new mesh to the aircraft's folder.
CREDITS:Original mesh by 1C
New pilot 3d by Wolfighter
New pilot 3d for F-51s by Ranwers
New 3d by Red_Fox90
Instructions: unzip and add the folder in your #DBW mods folder.
Disclaimer: this version is still a Beta, and has been tested only in a DBW 1.71 environment. Use at your own discretion.
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?ko00m792cum2a4rS!