This is a version of Midway around late 44 early 45. Now I understand that after the
battle of Midway nothing really happened there but this was more a way for me to get
back into mapping. I had lost my interest in maps for a bit but have been trying to get
back to it.
With permission from 242 Cat I used his Cat_Midway as a base because I loved the way he
populated the map and his map_c work. So due credit goes to him.
I added land to try to match what the island looked like at this point in time. I also
added the runways but Blumax jumped in and made them work where I had failed. So,
thanks to him as well.
Also, thanks to SAS~Epervier for sending me KLP's concrete plates so I could edit them
for color so credit for the runway plates go to Kevin P for those.
I know there were no more battles of midway but I added a "secret" listening post to
one of the atolls for you bombing pleasure and it has a water runway for enemy planes
to defend the post with. This map could also be used for those who want to train as
bomber pilots. The runways are long enough for B-29s fully loaded to take off.
The blast pens are big enough for B-17s but each of the large ones are actualy parking
spots for the AI planes so if you make a mission only place static planes on runways
where you dont think your mission planes will want to park.
I left the Eastern island almost untouched except for texuring so it is still the work
of 242 Cat and is great for fighter planes.
I also know the land is not exact but in IL2 mapping its hard to get any map exact.